NRO EC Meeting Minutes: June 2016

Minutes of the NRO EC Teleconference meeting held on Tuesday June 21st 2016 at 11:00 AM UTC

Executive Council:

Oscar Robles (OR) LACNIC Chair
John Curran (JC) ARIN Secretary
Paul Wilson (PW) APNIC Treasurer
Alan Barrett (AB) AFRINIC
Axel Pawlik (AP) RIPE NCC


Nate Davis (ND) ARIN
Paul Andersen (PA) ARIN
Pablo Hinojosa (PH) APNIC
Alfredo Verderosa (AV) LACNIC
Paul Rendek (PR) RIPE NCC

German Valdez (GV) NRO

Agenda NRO EC Teleconference June 21st 2016

0. Welcome
1. Agenda Review
2. Minutes Review
a) February 2016
b) April 2016
c) May 2016
3. IANA Stewardship Transition Status
a) SLA (signing in HEL)
b) ICANN Byalws
c) IPR
d) CRISP Team
f) RC members Announcement
4.- CCWG Stream 2
5. RIR Accountability Review Status
6. RPKI 0/0 Current Status and Next Steps
7. Review Open Actions
8. CG / Input Consultation
9. Next Meetings
a) Teleconference Scheduled on Tuesday July 17th
b) Next NRO EC f2f Meeting
10. AOB
11. Adjourn

0 Welcome

OR welcomed and opened the teleconference at 11:05 AM UTC

1 Agenda Review

No items were added to the agenda.

2 Minutes Review

GV confirmed that all comments have been incorporated and last versions have been circulated in the NRO EC list.

OR asked GV to follow up with NRO EC members pending to approve minutes.

3 IANA Stewardship Transition Status

a) SLA

GV confirmed that the time for signing the SLA was Wednesday June 29th at 10:00 AM during ICANN Meeting in Helsinki. GV reminded that ICANN is requesting that such event has a low profile approach, as they don’t want to give the impression of anticipated celebrations.

PW suggested that the NRO EC should agree about the people to attend the signing.

OR suggested inviting the CRISP Team members if the room capacity allows it.

AP suggested inviting one RIR board member, one staff and CRISP Team chairs

All agreed.

b) ICANN Bylaws

JC confirmed that the ICANN Board has adopted the bylaws to take effect at the end of September. JC said that the members of the CCWG stream one are working now on stream two.

c) IPR

AB reported that the proposed principle terms document has been reviewed by the IETF trust lawyers and they are fine with it. AB reminded that he circulated comments from the CWG lawyers in the NRO EC list. AB said he asked the RIR legal team their own opinion. AB considered that after the consolidation of the comments the next step would be to draft the legal document.

PW said that the IPR group agreed on having three different contracts for each operational community. PW suggested having the RIR legal team recommendations before moving ahead.

d) CRISP Team

OR said that there is now an agreement to close the CRISP Team as soon as the NRO signs the contract with ICANN. OR said that he would send a draft public announcement to the NRO EC list for approval.

The NRO EC agreed not organizing any celebrations before September 30th.


OR reported about the latest discussions in the IOTF. OR said that ICANN is considering Staff Secondment for the PTI but there were questions about the new employees that could be hired directly by the PTI and the different benefits they’d have with the rest of seconded staff.

OR suggested that the NRO should wait and support any solution that support the stability of the IANA operation.

f) RC members announcement

5. RIR Accountability Review Status

OR reminded that the SLA establishes that each RIR should define a Review Committee.

OR said that LACNIC was ready to announce its composition. OR asked if the NRO EC should coordinate or have a joint announcement in the establishment of the RC.

PW asked if this should happen before or after September.


After some discussion the NRO EC agreed that each RIR would work in the establishment of their own RC and announce it accordingly.

4 CCWG Stream 2

AP said that now the CCGW is entering in a new period it could be a good opportunity to review the appointed members.

JC said that he was willing serve individually, not as an appointed member from the ASO/NRO. JC expected that many discussions would require frank, open and unscripted interventions.

OR asked if the NRO EC wants to renew the composition.

OR said that the Internet number community members in the CCWG should commit the time to serve otherwise the NRO should be able to renew members.

AP confirmed Athina Fragkouli to remain in the CCWG

PW confirmed Izumi Okutani availability to continue in the CCWG

OR said that Jorge Villa was willing to continue but he would reconfirm his appointment before the end of the month.

JC said that at this time is assumed that current members of the stream one would continue in the stream two.

OR said that in case of changes the announcement should be made as soon as possible.

OR suggested that the NRO EC should confirm the appointment before the end of the month.

New Action Item 160621-01 All RIR CEOs to confirm the appointment to the CCWG stream 2 before the end of June 2016.

5 RIR Accountability Review Status

AP confirmed that he would submit RIPE NCC report COB today.

GV confirmed that this would complete all five RIR reports.

PW asked to see a draft of the joint report for approval before publication.

OR asked if the ARIN legal firm would include something else besides the five reports

JC said they’d described the process followed.

JC agreed with PW in seeing the full overview report before publication.

New Action Item 160621-02 GV to follow up with ARIN legal firm to circulate the RIR joint Accountability Review report within the NRO EC before its publication.

6 RPKI 0/0 Current Status and Next Steps

PW reminded that in the last IETF meeting in Buenos Aires the RIR stated that the implementation plan of the RPKI 0/0 was a RIR matter. PW suggested that for the sake of transparency the RIRs should define a time plan.

JC suggested to request to the ECG after IETF in Berlin to define an implementation plan considering each RIRs timeline. JC added that the timeline should include a communications plan.

OR agreed with the approach.

PW stressed that the RIRs should be very clear on what we are doing; this is a RIRs operational matter subject to the RIRs discussion forums.

JC said that ARIN is no planning consultations but they are planning to inform and make a presentation on this matter in the next ARIN meeting.

PW said that each RIR can take any approach, but we need to be clear on what each of us is planning

OR suggested asking the ECG to work in an implementation plan considering each RIR approach and timelines.

OR suggested to include this item in the NRO agenda after Berlin Meeting

New Action Item 160621-03 OR to request to the ECG to work in a implementation plan for the RPKI 0/0 project considering each RIR approach and timelines

7 Review Open Actions

Action Item 141018-03: PW and RIR Legal Team to include Governing Board Structure, Budget and Activity Approval, Fee Approval and Bylaw/Operational Document Control information to the RIR Governance Matrix.

Action Item 141018-04: PW and RIR Legal team based on the RIR Governance Matrix propose to the NRO EC those areas where could be consolidation or harmonization among the RIR.


PW said that Athina Fragkouli is leading internally in the legal team both actions. PW said she was collecting all pending information. PW confirmed that APNIC has provided all information.

JC confirmed that Michael Abejuala would supply ARIN’s information.

Action Item 160419-01. OR to contact Elise Gerich (IANA) to provide content for Annex A for the SLA.


Action Item 160419-02 OR to contact to CRISP Team chairs to coordinate a joint announcement declaring the CRISP Team closed.


OR suggested to keep it open until the public announcement is sent.

New Action Item 160419-03 PR to send to the NRO EC the list of outstanding issues in the development of the RIR governance matrix


GV confirmed that PR sent the information to the NRO EC list.

Action Item 160316-01 OR to ask Elise Gerich regarding the IANA communications to any technical coordination list about special allocations to the IETF that could be used by the RIR to inform their communities.


OR said that communication with Elise has been used in other higher priorities topics but he’d follow up with her on the pending action.

8 CG input/consultation

AV reported that the he met with Alain Durand to obtain more information of the process and the timelines. AV said that ICANN is expecting the RSCG to finish the risk assessment by the end of this year and have the first health indicators ready by the first half of 2017. AV said that the RSCG is recommending a face-to-face meeting to advance on this project. AV added that he would send to the NRO EC a couple of proposals for the meeting.

JC said it was important to do a credible job with simple answers and get back to ICANN. JC considered that numbers operation might provide limited indicators.

OR said that the NRO could wait for the initial assessment of the project and then establish our expectations. OR suggested that the RSCG come up with a first state of analysis and then consult with the NRO EC.

JC agreed.

AV reminded to the NRO EC that he sent a detailed report of the RSCG meeting in LACNIC 25.

AV advised the NRO EC that the RSCG is reviewing the NRO stats presentation and they’d send a new proposal with changes in the stats.

9 Next Meeting

PW suggested defining a date for a NRO EC face-to-face meeting after September, probably in a RIR, or ICANN meeting.

All agreed

New Action Item 160621-04 GV to set a doodle poll to define a NRO EC face-to-face meeting after September 2016.

10. AOB

No other business were included or discussed.

11. Adjourn

OR thanked the participants and adjourned the meeting at 12:55 PM UTC

Last modified on 31/07/2018