Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 131120


November 20, 2013
Face to Face meeting 3:00 PM Buenos Aires, Argentina 

Executive Council Attendees:

Chairman: Paul Wilson (PW) APNIC
Secretary: Adiel Akplogan (AA) AFRINIC
Treasurer: Axel Pawlik (AP) RIPE NCC
Member: John Curran (JC) ARIN
Member: Raul Echeberria (RE) LACNIC


Anne Rachel Inne (ARI) AFRINIC – Via Webex
Nate Davis (ND) ARIN
Pablo Hinojosa (PH) APNIC
Maemura Akinori APNIC
Ernesto Majo (EM) LACNIC
Paul Rendek (PR) RIPE NCC – Via Webex


Vymala Thuron (VT) AFRINIC
German Valdez (GV) NRO

0) Welcome

The Chair, Paul Wilson (PW) welcomed the Executive Council and the Observers present in the meeting and opened the session at 3:10 PM Buenos Aires time. At the moment of the start RE was not present.

As part of the preamble of the session, PW asked JC to action his thoughts in NRO/ASO session with ATRT2 group.

New Action Item 201113-01 JC to circulate to the NRO EC mailing list comments to be submitted to ATRT2 review team

1) Agenda Review

PW asked for some addition to the remaining of the agenda.

AP suggested to add as AOB the continuation of the Internet Protocol Journal

2) Approval of Minutes

a) August 20th 2013
b) September 17th 2013
c) October 4th 2013

GV reported that comments sent to the list have been considered in the newer August and September versions of the minutes.

JC moved to adopt the minutes. All EC members present in the meeting supported JC moved.

PW stated that minutes publication will be subject to RE approval.

3) Review Actions Items

Action Item 170913-01: PW To write a message to ICANN and IANA (Fadi and Elise) to request a meeting either Tuesday October 1st or Friday October 4th in Montevideo to talk on the proposal for New GTLD collision risk mitigation.

Status: DONE. Meeting organised on Friday October 4th. It included also RPKI issues and I* meeting topics.

Action Item 041013-01: GV to prepare a proposal to be submitted to the EC regarding the creation of an operational group to support the EC in the NRO operational tasks.

Status: PENDING. Subject to approval of NRO Key Objectives document. Point 4 of the current agenda.

Action Item 041013-02: All CEO, to bring to Bali meeting a selection of the most important strategic performance and turn around objectives, including a short description of what could mean his implementation.

Status: DONE. NRO Key Objectives Document circulated by PW in the EC list. Point 4 of the current agenda.

Action Item 041013-03: PW and GV to prepare an internal document containing the NRO vision, mission, values and behaviours and prepare a message communicating the outcomes of the retreat to the coordination groups.

Status: PENDING. Communication to CG could include resolutions on the Key Objective Document.

Action Item 041013-04: GV to coordinate the publication of the new NRO vision and mission and a regular announcement in the NRO website.

Status: DONE. New banners and new vision and mission have been added to the
NRO website. News item also related to the NRO 10th anniversary is now published .

Action Item 041013-05: PW to include of “some operational consideration” section of the EC retreat summary document in the agenda of Bali Meeting.

Status: DONE. To be discussed in today agenda.

Action Item 041013-06: JC and PH to work in a proposal document as an input to the Design Team for review of the NRO EC.

DONE. Proposal document is on the EC list for discussion.

Action Item 041013-07: GV to request the CFO to run a simulation considering all registration related services revenue to be discussed in the EC meeting in Bali.

Status: DONE. The request was sent to the CFO list just after the end of the Montevideo retreat.

Action Item 041013-08: PW to include in the agenda of Bali meeting the review of the execution of the 2013 and 2014 budget.

Status: DONE It’s included in Point 5 of the agenda, 2014 budget.

Action Item 041013-09: GV to review and update budgeting, purchasing and administrative procedures for the NRO document for the approval of the EC.


Action Item 041013-10: GV to notify the CFO on the resolution to close the Bank Account and that the NRO treasurer will organise the transfer to ICANN contribution.

Status: DONE. CFO have acknowledged the notification and will proceed to close the bank account.

Action Item 041013-11: GV to create and share a Google calendar with the NRO/RIR activities during IGF in Bali.

Status: DONE. Calendar was available at the following links


Action Item 041013-12: GV to create a doodle poll to find a suitable time to organise an EC meeting during IGF in Bali.

Status: DONE.

Action Item 041013-13: GV to inform RSCG and ECG the EC approval of
their joint meeting to be held in Mauritius in December 3rd.

Status: DONE.

Action Item 041013-14: RE to contact ISOC on the concerns of the NRO in the developments of the discussions in the Internet Collaboration list on the creation of Internet Technical Group.

Status: DONE

Action Item 041013-15: PW to send to ICANN and IANA the agreed letter on the following steps on RPKI.


At this point RE arrived to the meeting 3:28 PM Buenos Aires time.

PW asked to RE for approval of the publication of August, September and October minutes.

RE approved.

New Action Item 201113-02 GV to publish in NRO website NRO EC August, September and October minutes.

4) Follow up Montevideo Retreat

a) Review NRO Key Strategy Objectives Document

PW Briefed about the source of the document in how Andre helped to produce it as an extension of his service to the NRO EC. PW suggested not going into the detailed review given the time available. He suggested that the objectives should move to an implementation plan. PW suggested to request to the Executive Secretary an implementation plan, considering budget implications.

GV suggested to share the document to the Coordination Groups so they can also provide input and adjust their 2014 work plan considering the objectives set in the document.

PW reminded that one aspect of the NRO Key Strategy Objectives Document include the creation a Chief Operational Officer Group. PW suggested to move in a formal approval of the COO group.

JC mentioned that some clarification of the role of group, how will support the EC and how it fits in the current structure is needed before move for an approval.

RE stated that he sees the creation in a much simpler way. He suggested that the new COO group meets in advance of the NRO EC to resolved as much as they can of the operational aspects of the NRO EC agenda. He suggested to run this new format as a pilot project and see how it works after 2 o 3 meetings. RE added that in case of success the EC can formalize it by the production of chapter, work plans, etc.

AA asked who would set the agenda.

RE suggested that they could take EC agenda.

GV asked who will be the members in the new COO group from each RIR.

PW confirmed Sanjaya will represent APNIC

JC confirmed Nate Davis from ARIN

AA confirmed Anne-Rachel Inne to be part of this COO group

AP mentioned he will consult in RIPE NCC.

RE mentioned he would confirm LACNIC representative later on.

New Action Item 201113-03 GV based on the NRO Key Strategy Objective document and in coordination with the CG to prepare a list of projects to be implemented to meet the objectives.

5) 2014 Budget

a) Review Expenses

AA suggested having the action plan ready from the CG before review the 2014 budget.
PW suggested to wait to end of the year to review final 2013 expenses.
JC mentioned that he’d like to have a discussion on what projects we want to have at NRO level and approve budget based on that.
AA agreed. AA added that a review cannot happen until receive the new CG work plans considering the NRO Strategy Key Objectives Document

New Action item 201113-04 GV to request the CFO to have a final expenses report for 2013 for NRO EC January meeting.

b) NRO Distribution Formula and Definition of “Registration Revenues”

AP reminded what he proposed in MVD is to take a different look at revenues, AP explained that RIPE NCC excludes income from non-registration activities since they changed their charging scheme model in where everybody pays the same regardless. AP explained that in the case of RIPE NCC is now a pure membership fee that makes impossible to differentiate incomes. AP proposed to look at the cost side and ask the CFO to report based on registration related cost.

RE reminded that the agreement in Montevideo meeting was to provide information on registration service income only and that information should be self declared.

JC asked if such self declare number should be a particular number in a financial statement. He mentioned that ARIN doesn’t have such item in its financial statement.

RE clarified that it’s a number that each RIR will decide. RE added that RIR works based on good faith.

JC reminded that as it was in Montevideo Meeting, ARIN would approve any formula that is fair and has a basis. JC agreed to accept whatever number each RIR provides whether it’s an estimated registration revenues or cost.

PW agreed with the good faith approach but suggested that an explanation should be given in how the reported numbers were calculated in each case.

RE agreed.

JC mentioned that the calculation formula is prorated according to the percentage of estimated registration revenue by each RIR.

AP clarified that RIPE NCC cannot do calculation based on revenue.

RE explained that in the case of LACNIC they won’t consider for example income from investments, donors, meeting sponsorship etc.

ND mentioned that in the case of ARIN they won’t include investment, donations and those memberships that don’t receive services from ARIN.

PW said that in the case APNIC they have specific lines in the revenue chart that is declared in the financial reports. They would deduct the other income amount.

AA stated that is the same situation in AFRINIC.

AP said that in the case of RIPE NCC will be cost based, AP explained that their membership fee entitle their members to receive services they want them or not, final number will come maybe from looking the activity plan and budget document.

New Action item 201113-05 CEO to comeback with final figures for the NRO distribution formula based on estimated registration revenue only, except in the case of RIPE NCC that will be cost estimated. In all cases, an explanation will be added how the calculation was made.

6) NRO Rotation for 2014

a) Coordination Groups – Work Plans

PW asked if the CGs should be allowed the flexibility to elect their own chairs. PW added that the CG should prepare for the annual rotation preparation.
JC mentioned that he would like to know that before working with budget and annual planning as chair roles are time consuming.

AA agreed with JC and suggested to keep the rotation of the chairs as scheduled.

PW asked GV to assist in the rotation activities.

PW asked about CG meetings next year and if there were a clear policy. PW reminded that policy was one meeting per year if needed and based on approval by the EC.

AA agreed

GV reported that according to the work plan submitted by the CG that the RSCG is requesting 2 meetings, one stand-alone and a second in conjunction with ECG. Additionally GV mentioned that CCG is asking for 2 meetings one of them in conjunction with the EC to receive advise and guidance in the NRO strategic plans.

RE stated that meetings are important to exchange experience, knowledge, information and show commitment to the NRO so in principle he was in favor of the meetings. Furthermore, RE was ok to allow CG meetings as longs as they are planned and well justified. Finally he mentioned that the CGs should be efficient in the use of resources and use existing meetings to meet and avoid extra trips.

PW mentioned that he would like to have a specific CG meetings schedule with strong preference to collocate such meetings with existing meetings.

b) Secretariat Rotation

GV reported that he shared a proposal to AP and AA on how and what secretariat functions should rotate at the end of year bearing in mind the new Executive Secretary role.

AA mentioned that the idea behind was to streamline the process and keep some of the functions fixed.

c) Chair Rotation

PW reminded that NRO EC chair role will rotate as well at the end of the year and AA will be the chair in 2014

7) Next NRO EC Meetings

a) Teleconference Schedule

PW mentioned that he was planning to be holidays during the NRO EC December teleconference but confirmed he will participate to allow a smooth transition of the chair role to AA

PW suggested to keep the same teleconference schedule during 2014.

b) Face-to-Face Meetings

PW asked if ICANN Singapore meeting is a good time to hold the next f2f NRO EC meeting.

RE mentioned he was not available for family reasons.

Some other dates and venues were discussed with no clear consensus where to meet. PW suggested to continue the discussion online. PW reminded that there will be a meeting with I* members later in the week and they might agree in a new meeting location there.

8) AOB


AP reminded that the Internet Journal Protocol stopped his publication. He mentioned that RIPE NCC Board would like to help to bring back IPJ but they don’t want to be seen they are leading the effort. AP added that the RIPE NCC board is willing to financially contribute to IPJ. AP sent to the EC list a document with the IPJ budget for printing and distribution. He reported that apparently ISOC is willing to lead the effort.

JC said that ARIN Board of Trustee has also discussed this issue and may be willing to contribute as well. Final figure will be determined once ARIN budget is finalized. JC is ok with ISOC leading and coordinate the continuation effort to keep IPJ running.

PW suggested that plenty of money could be saved by stop printing and physically distributing the journal.

PW thanked AP for bringing the issue and suggests that each RIR should see the best way to support IPJ.

Finally PW adjourn the meeting at 4:40 PM Buenos Aires Time.

Last modified on 03/04/2014