Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 131004


October 4, 2013
Face to Face meeting 13:00 UTC in Montevideo Uruguay

Executive Council Attendees:

Chairman: Paul Wilson (PW) APNIC
Secretary: Adiel Akplogan (AA) AFRINIC
Treasurer: Axel Pawlik (AP) RIPE NCC
Member: John Curran (JC) ARIN
Member: Raul Echeberria (RE) LACNIC


Pablo Hinojosa (PH) APNIC
Maemura Akinori APNIC
Ernesto Majo (EM) LACNIC
Arturo Servin (AS) LACNIC
Hartmut Glaser (HG) LACNIC
Nate Davis (ND) ARIN


German Valdez (GV) NRO

1. Welcome, Apologies, Agenda Bashing

PW welcomed and opened formally the NRO EC meeting at 1:10 PM UTC.

AA asked to add a new item in the agenda regarding security risk attached to registry service. This was added as point 6 in the agenda.

JC asked to add the topic of RPKI in the agenda.

PW proposed to discuss when to meet next month, as the 5 CEO will be in IGF meeting in Bali.

After reviewing departing time of some EC members PW suggested to work continuously until 6:30 PM UTC

After more discussion the agenda was agreed as follow.

0.- Agenda Bashing
1.- Debrief/Follow up from EC Retreat
2.- Debrief/Follow up from I*
3.- NRO distribution Formula
4.- NRO budget monitoring and approval of expenses
5.- Closing of NRO bank account
6.- Security risk attached to Registry Service
7.- Next Meeting Bali
8.- Joint RSCG/ECG meeting
9.- Internet Technical Community Organization
10.- RPKI
11.- AOB

1. Debrief/Follow up from EC Retreat

PW Proposed to start with the review and final approval of the NRO mission and vision.

First point was the review of the vision. After deliberation and with unanimous approval, the NRO EC agreed in the following vision statement:

” To be the flagship and global leader for collaborative Internet number resource management as a central element of an open, stable and secure Internet.”

Second point of discussion was the review of the mission. After deliberation and with unanimous approval, the members of the NRO EC agreed in the following mission statement:

” To actively contribute to an open, stable and secure Internet, through:
– Providing and promoting a coordinated Internet number registry System;
– Being an authoritative voice on the multi-stakeholder model and bottom-up policy process in Internet governance;
– Coordinating and supporting the activities of the RIRs.”

Third point of discussion was in the discussion of the values of the NRO.

AA moved to adopt the following values:

  • Integrity: to do the best you can and to do the right thing at the right time;
  • Respect: appreciate diversity, to be open to differences, to live and let live;
  • Fairness: treat everyone the same and to apply justice;
  • Commitment: to work hard for what is important;
  • Openness: be open to others, new ideas, and innovation;
  • Diligence: be thorough, persevere and to be keen in what you do.

PW suggested that these values should be communicated internally among the RIR staff that participates in the Coordination Groups.

The EC agreed to incorporate these values and share them among the RIR staff participating in NRO activities.

PW shared the idea of creating project teams instead of CG.

AA brought to the attention that the NRO is evolving to have more operations. He suggested to work more in identify the operational aspects and create a group that could focus on operational tasks. He added that the NRO should be stronger and that the EC should work to make it sustainable without adding more bureaucracy or layers.

JC agreed and added that the EC should focus more in strategic content.

PW proposed to make further plans on this direction. He mentioned that there is a missing link by assigning NRO related tasks without involvement of the RIR COO or equivalent. EC could work in empower an operational group.

ND supported the idea to take operational aspects out of the plate of the EC to help to improve the EC strategic work.

RE proposed a structure where a new group made of operational staff appointed by each RIR to work to support the EC in the operational tasks in coordination with the Executive Secretary who can also act as a bridge with the coordination groups.  He suggested that the operational group could meet with the chairs of the CG and the Executive Secretary to deal with operational tasks in advance of the EC meetings.

New Action Item 041013-01. GV to prepare a proposal to be submitted to the EC regarding the creation of an operational group to support the EC in the NRO operational tasks.

PW suggested preparing a communication plan with the outcomes of the NRO EC retreat.

AA mentioned that defining mission and vision may not be enough and that the EC should have more agreements on the future of the NRO.  I.e. do we need to formalise the existence of the NRO?

JC mentioned that the new NRO mission, vision and values are clear and their content doesn’t suggest a change of NRO structure or become a different organisation.

AA proposed to go through the strategic objectives and approach them with the 20/80 criteria, what 20% will have an 80% impact.

JC agreed on this to be important. He suggested that as first phase the EC should look at this list and decide which one they want to work first and to add a couple of sentences on what this could mean in the implementation.

PW expressed concerns to go through the strategic list due to time constraints.

JC suggested to work on this objectives in the Bali meeting.

New Action Item 041013-02. All CEO, to bring to Bali meeting a selection of the most important strategic performance and turn around objectives, including a short description of what could mean his implementation.

JC proposed that in terms of Internal communication this should include the content of mission, vision, values and behaviors.

New Action Item 041013-03. PW and GV to prepare an internal document containing the NRO vision, mission, values and behaviors and prepare a message communicating the outcomes of the retreat to the coordination groups.

New Action Item 041013-04. GV to coordinate the publication of the new NRO vision and mission and a regular announcement in the NRO website.

JC Proposed to include in Bali meeting the discussion of the content of section “other considerations” included in the document with the summary of the notes of the EC retreat.

New Action Item 041013-05. PW to include of “other consideration” section of the document with the notes of the EC retreat in the agenda of Bali Meeting.

2. Debrief Follow/Follow up I*

PW suggested the EC to review the statement from the I* meeting and unless there were critical differences then the NRO-EC should agree with current statement.

The EC agreed with some minor changes already being discussed in the I* mailing list and supported the statement.

The EC agreed to appoint JC and PH Hinojosa to the I* Design Team that will discuss the oversight role of the IANA 3*3 matrix.

The NRO-EC discussed some possible inputs to the work of the Design Team. JC and PH will develop a proposal document as an input to the Design Team for review of the NRO-EC.

New Action Item 041013-06. JC and PH to work in a proposal document as an input to the Design Team for review of the NRO EC.

3. NRO Distribution Formula

GV summarised the worked done made by the CFO in their retreat in Amsterdam last week and reminded the EC that AP sent the documents submitted by the CFO to the list days ago.

AP reminded the EC that he proposed previously a simple approach to the distribution of the cost by applying the same percentage to each RIR 20%

PW showed the document prepared by the CFO for the discussion in the EC. He explained the document contains three options where to base the distribution formula, the first one is do nothing, second is consider revenue only and third an average of the percentage applied in the contribution of the last 5 years.

JC made clear that ARIN would oppose to any formula to be regionally unfair.

Some discussions were held on using registration revenue over total revenue.

AP mentioned that each RIR should self declare their registration revenue as there could be differences in the interpretation.

PW shared that in APNIC case membership revenues would be declare as registration revenues.

AA explained that it was the same case in AFRINIC.

JC proposed that the EC should explore a formula on registration revenue only.

PW mentioned that each RIR should be clear on what items make the registration revenue.

AA suggested to include all registration related services revenues.

The EC agreed to request the CFO to run a simulation to include all registration related services revenue that will be applied to all NRO costs. After that the EC will formalise the decision. In this scenario the new formula would apply to the distribution of the cost of the NRO for 2013.

New Action Item 041013-07. GV to request the CFO to run a simulation considering all registration related services revenue to be discussed in the EC meeting in Bali.

4. NRO Budget Monitoring and Approval of Expenses

RE reminded that in the past he raised a point that the EC should improve the monitoring of the execution of the budget but he was satisfied with the proposal made after the CFO retreat in Amsterdam.

GV mentioned that he would work with the treasurer to give a quarterly report to the EC on the execution of the NRO budget.

RE suggested that the CFO should work in a process to share expenses during the year and not wait until December.

JC suggested that the NRO should have a formal process to monitor the execution of the budget.

GV reminded that AP sent recently the 2014 budget, 2013 projected execution budget and a draft document elaborated by CFO regarding budgeting, purchasing and administrative procedures for the NRO. The document is not including the role of the Executive Secretary. He offered to review and update the document.

New Action Item 041013-08. PW to include in the agenda of Bali meeting the review of the execution of the 2013 and 2014 budget.

New Action Item 041013-09. GV to review and update budgeting, purchasing and administrative procedures for the NRO document for the approval of the EC.

5. Closing of NRO Bank Account

AP explained the problem of keeping an NRO bank account as this is incurring in administrative overhead and personal liability as the CEO are the counterpart of the account.  Furthermore current legislation won’t allow the existence of the account without the incorporation of the NRO. He suggested that the NRO treasurer organizes the transfer for ICANN contribution each year.

AP motioned to close the Bank account. All CEO were in favor.

New Action Item 041013-10. GV to notify the CFO on the resolution to close the Bank Account and that the NRO treasurer will organise the transfer to ICANN contribution.

6.  Security risk attached to Registry Service

AA shared with the rest of the members of EC an experience suffered by AFRINIC registration services staff from a person who requested resources. AA was interested to know if other RIRs have had similar a situation.

After some conversations in the EC, no similar incidents have been experienced in other RIR.

AA mentioned that the incident has been escalated in Mauritius and AFRINIC will be taking legal action.

7. Next Meeting Bali

PW proposed that the EC should conduct a meeting during the week of the IGF in Bali. He observed that the week will be very busy but the EC should try to meet that week.

RE advised that he will be arriving on Tuesday 22nd October.

GV mentioned that he started a Google calendar with the NRO/RIR related activity in Bali. Based on this he could create a doodle poll suggesting times for the EC to meet in Bali.

PH advised that during that week will be a high demand for meetings and rooms so timing was important to organise the meeting in Bali.

PW proposed to maintain the scheduled EC meeting of October 15th.

New Action Item 041013-11. GV to create and share a Google calendar with the NRO/RIR activities during IGF in Bali.

New Action Item 041013-12. GV to create a doodle poll to find a suitable time to organise an EC meeting during IGF in Bali.

8. Joint RSCG/ECG meeting

GV requested on behalf of the RSCG and ECG approval from EC for a joint meeting to be held in December 3rd and 4th in Mauritius. GV reminded he shared the draft agenda in the EC list.  He mentioned that each group has one more meeting in the approved work plan for this year.

AP advised to have a close observation of the 2013 budget.

The EC approved the joint RSCG/ECG meeting.

New Action Item 041013-13. GV to inform RSCG and ECG the EC approval of their joint meeting to be held in Mauritius in December 3rd.

9. Internet Technical Community Organization

RE presented some ideas about how to organise the technical Internet community to improve its participation in the Internet Governance landscape. He suggested 2 levels of coordination where one level would focus on more strategic coordination, development of common views and positions. A second level would be more informal where ITC group could appoint people to Multstakeholder IG related bodies.

JC suggested that the NRO should take a position on the matter.

New Action Item 041013-14. RE to contact ISOC on the concerns of the NRO in the developments of the discussions in the Internet Collaboration list on the creation of Internet Technical Group.


JC suggested that as result of the meeting with ICANN and IANA this morning the NRO should provide concrete feedback regarding coordination with IANA on the development of RPKI.

AP agreed that a reply should be sent sooner rather than later. He made clear that RIPE NCC cannot participate even in the testbed but they can join as observers.

The NRO EC drafted a response to the ECG who asked for guidance on regards NRO position in the testbed.  They agreed in the following recommendations to be considered during the testbed:

1.- To include ERX legacy /8
2.- To include the class A legacy /8
3.- To use reverse DNS to determine which legacy /8 are certified to which RIR.

JC mentioned that in regards point 3 is the RIR job to determine which legacy /8 are certified with whom.

The EC drafted and agreed to response to ICANN and IANA based on the discussion held during the morning meeting. The response includes a request to continue the work in the testbed with those RIR who wish to participate and emphasizing that current RPKI cooperation should be limited to the testbed.

New Action Item 041013-15. PW to send to ICANN and IANA the agreed letter on the following steps on RPKI.

JC left the meeting to take the flight back to US.

11. Adjourn

PW moved to adjourn the meeting at 18:35 UTC  AA seconded.

Last modified on 29/11/2013