Conference 11 June 2009 – Conference Room, Shandrani Hotel Resort and Spa, Blue Bay, Mauritius
Executive Council Attendees:
- Adiel Akplogan (AA – Chair)
- Axel Pawlik (AP- Secretariat)
- Paul Wilson (PW)
- Raul Echeberria (RE – Treasurer)
- Nate Davis (ND – Representing ARIN)
- Richard Jimmerson (RJ)
- Paul Rendek (PR)
- Lillian Sharpley (LS)
- Kiran Cunniah, Recording Secretary
- Welcome and Agenda Bashing
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Permanent distribution of NRO functions
- Creation of a new coordination group
- NRO participation to the ITAC
- Agreement on 2 Bytes ASN allocation from ICANN
- Adjounement
1. Welcome and Agenda Bashing
The Chair welcomed all the participants. He introduced the meeting by presenting the agenda based on the outcome of the two days retreat. He mentioned that the main objective of the formal meeting will be to pass the resolutions in support of the decisions taken by the NRO EC during the retreat.
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes
The Chair proposed to adopt the minutes of the last meeting as presented by the secretariat.
The Chair moved as follows:
“The NRO EC approves the minutes of the 19th May 2009 meeting as proposed by the secretariat”
RE seconded the motion.
The Chair called for objections and there were none. The motion passed unanimously.
3. Permanent distribution of NRO functions
During the NRO EC retreat, the members discussed extensively the distribution of the NRO functions and the following resolution was passed.
The Chair moved;
“The EC approves the hosting of all the ASO and NRO services by RIPE NCC on a permanent basis as from 1st January 2011”
AP seconded the motion.
The Chair called for objections and there were none. The motion passed unanimously
4. Creation of a new coordination group
The members discussed the formation of a new coordination group to address government and governance issues and the following resolution was passed:
The Chair moved:
“The NRO approves the setting up of a new Coordination group, the Public Affairs Relations Group to look at Government and Governance Related Affairs. Each RIR should appoint members for the group.”
AP seconded the motion.
The Chair called for objections. There were no objections and the motion passed unanimously
5. NRO participation to the ITAC
The members discussed the participation of the NRO at the ITAC and the following resolution was passed:
The Chair moved:
“The NRO approves participation to ITAC and tasked the PACG to organize this participation.”
AP seconded the motion.
The Chair called for objections and there were none. The resolution was passed unanimously
6. Agreement on 2 Bytes ASN allocation from ICANN
The NRO EC discussed the 2 bytes ASN allocation from ICANN. The ASN 2 byte allocation policy in the different RIRs was discussed. There was common agreement by RIRs to limit the request of ASN block from IANA to 2 per request. It was agreed that the Chair will communicate to ICANN the NRO Agreement
7. AOB
There were no items discussed in the AOB
8. Adjournment
The Chair moved to adjourn the meeting at 14h20 MUT. There were no objections and meeting was adjourned.
Last modified on 02/09/2020