Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 080221

DRAFT Minutes

Teleconference: 21 February 2008, 12h00 UTC

Executive Council Attendees:

  • Paul Wilson (PW, Chair)
  • Adiel Akplogan (AA: Secretary )
  • Ray Plzak (RP)
  • Axel Pawlik (AP)
  • Raul Echeberria (RE)

Other Attendees:

  • Natt Devis ND
  • Richard Jimerson RJ
  • Kiran Cunniah, Recording Secretary


1. Welcome and Agenda Review – Chair to lead
2. Adoption of last meeting’s minutes (17.01.2008)
3. Review of open action Item
4. Approval of the ECG activity plan for 2008
5. Update on the adhoc Groups activities
6. Next EC retreat in Mauritius
7. NRO Position on ICANN’s budget and operating plan
8. Plan for NRO-EC face-to-face meeting in 2008 (travel plan-2008)
9. Update on funding meeting with ICANN in New Delhi.
10. Internet Governance Forum (IGF) – Project Document
11. Possible NRO action on IPv6 support in reverse DNS
12. AOB
13. Adjournment

1. Welcome and Agenda Review – Chair to lead

The meeting was called to order at 12h05 UTC. The Chair welcomed all the
participants. He said that the draft agenda was circulated by the secretariat
and asked if the participants would like to add any items to the agenda.

RP mentioned that RE has suggested adding the following items:

– Update from activities conducted by EC members at ICANN meeting in New Delhi,
– IGF secretariat funding and donors meeting
– Meeting with ITU-T Secretary General.

The first two points were to be addressed under item 9 and 10 respectively and
the third was added to the AOB.

The Chair asked for comments. There were no comments. The Chair noted that RE
was not present and proposed to review the action items assigned to him and also
see if he has any comments on the agenda once he joins the meeting.

The Chair thanked all the participants for accepting to adjust to the meeting
time ie 12 UTC instead of 11 UTC.

2. Adoption of last meeting’s minutes (17.01.2008)

Proposed Resolution:

The Chair requested AA to introduce the motion to adopt the minutes.

AA moved as follows:
“The EC adopts the minutes of January 15th 2008 meeting, as last presented
to the EC list by the secretariat”

RP seconded the motion. Noting that RE was not present, RP proposed to entertain
motion to postpone the adoption of the resolution until he joins.

All agreed. RE joined later during the conference. RP moved to remove the motion
from the table and act on it. The Chair called for comments. RE noted that the
minutes of the 2006 and 2007 meetings were not available on the website. AA
suggested the Chair sends him the minutes to be published and the Chair said
that he will work with AA on that on line. The Chair called for further
comments. There were no comments. The Chair called for a vote. All voted for and
the motion passed unanimously.

3. Review of open action Item

#Action item 0712-01: Status: Open (moved to point 5 of the Agenda)
“Raul to work with the Ad Hoc working group in Registration Services’
practices, to finalise the work of that group.”

Update 21.02.08: RE (updated upon joining at 12h29) mentioned that he
has not done anything on that yet and that he will do in the coming one
or two weeks. He said that he talked to Ricardo who said some activities
have already be engaged related to the policy harmonisation but he will
further talk to Lesley as chair of the RS Adhoc group to get more
details on that.

#Action item 0712-02: Status: Open
“Ray to task the ECG to create a WG for dealing with Resource
Certification Project.”

Update 21.02.08 : The Chair noted that this action was overtaken by
himself and RP confirmed. He also noted that the Resource Certification
is also mentioned in the ECG 2008 activity plan.

#Action item 0712-03: Status: Close
“Ray (taken over by the new chair – PW) to draft an email to the Boards
asking for guidelines about a future Contract with ICANN, and send to
the EC for review.”

Update 21.02.08: PW mentioned that he has drafted a mail
to send to the Board and is awaiting comments from all EC members.
Only RE comment is now missing. Noting the RE was not present,
RP proposed to wait for him for the update. The Chair agreed.

#Action item 0712-04: Status: Close
“Ray (taken over by the new Chair – PW) to send an email to DRC
attaching the spreadsheet With the information of the distribution of
free space in ERX blocks.”

Update 21.02.08 : The Chair informed that Leo has accepted to work on
this and has promised to update the registry file accordingly with the
launch of the new IANA web site. PW said he will send him a reminder

#Action item 0712-05: Status: Open
“Ray (taken over by new Chair PW) to send a draft to the EC with the
comments about The IPv4 registry file version sent by DRC, including
comments on 7 /8 and the definition of LEGACY.”

Update 21.02.08 :. He said that he is of opinion there is some confusion
as to the definition of the term of Legacy and that it needs to be

#Action item 0712-06 Open
“Ray to send to David Conrad the proposed Administrative Procedures”

Update 21.02.08; The Chair mentioned that Barbara suggested having a
meeting to discuss the vision on that procedure in Taipei. He said that
he will act on the proposal by email in the next coming days.

#Action item 0712-07: Status: Closed
“Ray to contact Janis Karklins regarding our attendance at GAC in New

Update 21.02.08: The Chair noted that this action was closed

#Action item 0712-08: Status: Closed
“Axel to arrange a meeting with the new Director, ITU-T.”

Update 21.02.08; AP mentioned that the meeting is scheduled for next
Tuesday in Geneva and the main objective will be to introduce the NRO EC
members Who will be present at the meeting. It was noted that the
following members will be present: RP, AA and AP.RJ will also be there.

#Action item 0712-09: Status: Open (moved to point 6 of the Agenda)
“Adiel to coordinate the next strategic meeting of the EC, targeted to
occur prior to 31 March 2008.2

Update 21.02.08: The Chair noted that this action is on going and will
be addressed under agenda item 6.

#Action item [0801-01]: Status: Closed
“The chair to inform ICANN of the amount of the NRO Voluntary
contribution to its 2007-2008 budget.”

Update 21.02.08: The Chair noted that this action is closed

#Action item [0801-02]: Status: Closed
“AA to coordinate the NRO input to the DoC ICANN’s Midterm Review.

Update 21.02.08: The Chair noted that this action is closed

#Action item [0801-03]: Status: Pending (moved to point 7 of the Agenda)
“Chair to coordinate review and input of the NRO to ICANN Strategic Plan

Update 21.02.08: The Chair mentioned that this action was pending a
formal opening of the consultation process by ICANN. He mentioned that
this was done
in Delhi and that we have limited time to prepare our input.

#Action item [0801-04]: Status: Open
“Ray to make a more elaborated proposal on a possible appointment of
an EC member to act as a liaison with IANA.”

Update 21.02.08: RP mentioned that he would like to make a motion on
that action item. The Chair suggested that this item be added to the
AOB. All agreed.

(RE joins in at 16h29, the Chair gave him an update on the Status of the meeting namely: Participants present at this point were : AP, RP, AA , PW, RJ and ND. The approval of minutes and update on his action items are awaiting his input. RE gave an update as reported in the minutes. The Chair asked him if he would like to add any item on the agenda and he mentioned that he did not have anything to add.) The Chair asked if there were any comments before moving to the next agenda item. There were no comments.

4. Approval of the ECG activity plan for 2008

AA moved that:

“The EC approved the ECG activity plan for 2008 as submitted by the Chair of the ECG.”

RP seconded the motion.

The chair asked for any comment on the activity planas sent to the EC. After discussion the following was agreed:

Item 1 & 2:

PW suggested having an implementation plan to facilitate decision on approval of the item. He said he would like to see some more details on this item. All Agreed

Item 3:

AA said that in line with the objective of the item, it would be good to have an implementation plan. He said further that during the meeting in Montevideo, it was agreed that this item be moved under the NRO. PW noted that there were no agreement to go forward with an inter RIR project on that it would be premature to ask for an implementation plan. AA said that then the objective as stated in the document should be reviewed to be the definition of common architecture. PW agreed and said he will request the ECG to redefine the objective to be to define a common architecture along with a common policy. . All agreed

Item 4:

PW mentioned that the deliverable would be a document or a proposal and that he is of opinion that it can be approved as presented. All agreed

Item 5:

RP proposed that this item be removed from that activity plan and discussed among the NRO EC members as it was not yet discussed before and some security and confidentiality issue are not clear. All agreed.

RP suggested adopting the activity plan as modified and moved as follows:

“The EC approves the ECG activity plan with modifications as discussed during this meeting”.

AA seconded the motion.

The Chair mentioned that he would draft a response to the ECG and will circulate it to the EC members to ensure that there is a common agreement on what the
recommendations should be.

5. Update on the adhoc Groups activities

#Action item 0712-01: Status: Open (point 5 of the Agenda) “Raul to work with the Ad Hoc working group in Registration Services’ practices, to finalise the work of that group.”

The Chair noted that this item was addressed under agenda number 4 above.

6. Next EC retreat in Mauritius

Action item 0712-09: Status: Open (moved to point 6 of the Agenda)
Adiel to coordinate the next strategic meeting of the EC, targeted to
occur prior to 31 March 2008.

The Chair asked AA if he would like to lead this item. AA said that we have to finalise the dates of the meeting. There were some discussions on the availability which are reported below.

AP mentioned that it will be difficult for him to attend the meeting other day than on the 26th of March due to his travel constraints. He suggested to have the meeting without him and said that he would be able to contribute remotely. RP said that it would be better to have all the members present as the objective of the face to face meeting is also to allow members to interact. He proposed having an agreed date where all members can attend. AA informed that that it was agreed that the NRO EC members would meet once every quarter and that the venue for the next meeting would be Mauritius. With regards to this, RE said that he
would have to travel for two days to attend a one day meeting in Mauritius and that he is opinion that the time investment is too high. He also said that he believes that there would not be enough items to put on the agenda prior to 31st March 2008. RP mentioned that there are sufficient items to be discussed and gave some examples.

AA said that if that we could consider having the meeting at a venue that is more appropriate for all parties to travel. RE mentioned that sometimes it may be difficult to meet during the RIR meetings and that it would be good to have the meeting in a different location.

The availability of the different members were noted as follows:


– available from 25th to 28th March
– Not available on 31st March
– Not available before July or August


– Available July, Last week of March, 3rd Week April, but before July it could be difficult.

– Available in the week of 24th to 31st March.

– not available on the 26th March.

– Available on the 26th March.

After noting the different availabilities, the Chair suggested to look at different timings and see how many members are available and determine if 5 or 4 members can attend. There were some discussions and after discussion, it was agreed that the AA will send an online meeting tool to determine what is the best date for the first quarter meeting according to the availability of the different members with the following venue proposals: US, Mauritius or Australia. The proposed days will be Tuesday afternoon to Thursday morning.

#Action item 200802-01
“AA to setup an online meeting planning tool to determine the most appropriate venue and date for the next face to face meeting. EC Members to advise on their availability within 2 weeks as from date.”

7. NRO Position on ICANN’s budget and operating plan

    #Action item [0108-03]: Status: Open
    Chair to coordinate review and input of the NRO to ICANN Operation
    Planning document

    The Chair called for comments and suggestions and noted that the issue was already discussed in during the update of Action Item [0108-03]


8. Plan for NRO-EC face-to-face meeting in 2008 (travel plan-2008)

    Review of the Travel plan sent by the secretariat on the 22/01/2008 to determine where all EC members will be present.

    The Chair noted that this item was discussed under agenda item number 6 and that the travel plan is circulated for EC member to notify on the meetings they are planning to attend in 2008

9. Update on funding meeting with ICANN in New Delhi.

    The Chair said that there are no formal notes on the meeting and the objective was to discuss the revision of the NRO contribution to ICANN. The EC representatives notified ICANN that the NRO is not prepared to change its voluntary contribution at this point. He said that:

    – The issue will be revisited on an annual basis at the same time of the year, ie, during the ICANN budget review cycle.
    – They want the contribution will be based on the ICANN budget and what financial contribution ICANN expects from the RIR
    – Next meeting is scheduled at ICANN 2009 March meeting.

    The Chair asked RP and AP if they would like to add any other information. RP confirmed that the intent of the meeting was to negotiate a new amount for the contribution.

    The Chair mentioned that the opportunity for the NRO to have a Booth at the next ICANN meeting is something also that needs to be discussed. He suggested opening the discussion on the mailing list.

    The Chair asked AA and RE if they have any comments or questions. There were no comment.

10. Internet Governance Forum (IGF) – Project Document

    What is the NRO position on the project?

    The Chair asked AA if he wanted to lead that item. AA mentioned that he received a document from the IGF secretariat requesting the support of the donors to commit themselves as a sustainable partner for the upcoming events. He mentioned we need to agree in signing the document.

    RP asked if this is what the Monday 25 Feb 08 IGF meeting is about and AA confirmed. RE informed that at the RIO meeting there were a breakfast donor meeting whereby the IGF secretariat was looking for more potential donors and in the same line the donors were looking for more visibility. He noted that the document circulated by the IGF is not explicit enough as it does not mention any precise amount as commitment from each donor (signatories of the document). He said that he believes that more details will be provided during the upcoming IGF meeting in Geneva.

    The Chair noted that the EC is not in a position to take a decision on this at the moment. He asked if there were any urgency to act on this item. It was noted that there were none and that it would be better to wait for the report from the meeting.

11. Possible NRO action on IPv6 support in reverse DNS

    The chair noted that at the moment we do not have any update to announce as all RIRs are working independently. PW volunteered to write up a draft to task the ECG to work on it. He noted that the Activity plan discussed during point 4 of the agenda covers the DNS servers and zones but not the IPv6 address support in other reverse zone. All agreed.

    #Action 200802-02
    “PW to write up a document tasking the ECG to look into the NRO action on IPv6 support in reverse DNS.

12. AOB

The Chair asked AA to make review the AOB agenda items. AA reviewed as follows:

    12.1 Update Meeting with ITU-T Director

    The Chair proposed that RE leads this item as he was the one who proposed it. RE mentioned that the main objective of the meeting is to maintain a social relationship with the ITU. AP mentioned that being given that we are not member of the study group 2 and 3, it may be sometimes difficult to have some collaboration on issue discussed in these Study groups and that we could use the opportunity of the meeting to see how the NRO can better contribute. The Chair asked if there were any comments. There were no comments.

    12.2 RP to propose a motion on action item [0108-04]:

    RP moved that:
    “The EC appoints Raul Echeberria to be the liaison with IANA for this year and he be charged to draft a charter for this position.”

    AA seconded the motion.

    The Chair asked RE if he accepts this appointment and RE confirmed. The Chair called for objection. There were no objections and the motion passed unanimously. The Chair congratulated RE on his appointment. RE thanked RP for his trust.

13.  Adjournment

    At 13h56 UTC, the Chair moved to adjourn the meeting.

    AP seconded the motion. The Chair called for objections.
    There were no objections.

    The Chair thanked all the participants for their presence. RE thanked the members for accepting to adjust to today`s meeting time schedule based on his proposal.

    AA informed that next meeting is scheduled for the 18th March 2008.

Last modified on 02/09/2020