Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 080115

DRAFT Minutes

Teleconference , 11:00 UTC

Executive Council Attendees:

Paul Wilson (PW, Chair)
Adiel Akplogan (AA: Secretary )
Ray Plzak (RP)
Axel Pawlik (AP)
Raul Echeberria (RE)

Other Attendees:

Kiran Cunniah, Recording Secretary


1. Welcome and Agenda review: Chair to lead
2. Adoption last meeting’s minutes: Paul to lead
3. Review of Open Action item
4. Roles and function of the Secretariat: Ray to lead
5. Release of escrow funds: Adiel to lead
6. ICANN: financial contribution 2008: Paul to lead
7. ICANN: NRO input to Midterm Review: Paul to lead
8. Cisco Workshop on Address Allocation Models: Chair to lead
9. Delegations in Ray to lead
10. Globally coordinated policy: Paul to lead
11. ICANN Strategic Plan: Chair to lead
12. AOB
12 A. Appoitment of the ECG and CCG Chair for 2008
12 B. Communication with the IANA
13. Adjournment

1. Welcome and Agenda review: Chair to lead

The meeting was called to order at 11 05 UTC. The Chair welcomed all the
participants. The Chair reviewed the agenda and asked for comments.
RP suggested adding two items:

a) the appointement of the ECG and CCG Chairs for 2008.
b) Communication with IANA

2. Adoption last meeting’s minutes: Paul to lead

The Chair mentioned that AA has circulated a second draft to the EC list with
an amendment to item no 3 of the agenda only with no further changes in
the minutes.

RP moved as follows

” The EC adopts the minutes of the 18 December 07 meeting, Montevideo,  as
last presented to the EC list”

AP seconded, and the motion passed with no objection.

3. Review of Open Action item

The Chair asked AA to lead this point of the agenda.

AA reviewed as follows:

Action item 0712-01:
Raul to work with the Ad Hoc working group in Registration
Services’ practices, to finalise the work of that group.
Status: Open
Update: RE mentioned he is scheduled to send the report at the
February 08 EC meeting

Action item 0712-02
Ray to task the ECG to create a WG for dealing with Resource
Certification Project.
Update : RP said that Several EC members in addition to himself were
on holidays so that is the reason for him not doing the action items

Action item 0712-03
Ray to draft an email to the Boards asking for guidelines about
a future Contract with ICANN, and send to the EC for review.
Update : RP mentioned that he was waiting for the exchange of the
letter to physically occur and  that we can now move forward
with this action item.

Action item 0712-04
Ray to send an email to DRC attaching the spreadsheet with the
information of the distribution of free space in ERX blocks.
Update : RP said that Several EC members in addition to him were
on holidays so that is the reason for him not doing the action items

Action item 0712-05
Ray to send a draft to the EC with the comments about the IPv4
file version sent by DRC, including comments on 7 /8 and the
definition of LEGACY.
Update : RP said that Several EC members in addition to himself were
on holidays so that is the reason for him not doing the action

Action item 0712-06
Ray to send to David Conrad the proposed Administrative Procedures
Update: RP mentioned that the item is opened as he could not work
on it as he was on holidays.
Comments : RE mentioned that RP said that he sent an email to David
Conrad on IPv4. RP said that the email sent was to inform David
Conrad that he will come back to him once everbody is back from

Action item 0712-07
Ray to contact Janis Karklins regarding our attendance at GAC in
New Delhi.
Status: Open
Update : RP mentioned that he sent an email but did not receive any
response. He will follow up with him and report back to the EC.

Action item 0712-08
Axel to arrange a meeting with the new Director, ITU-T.
Status: Open
Update: AP mentioned that he has sent an email but did not receive
any feedback.
He said that he has sent another mail again today and if he does
not receive a response he will employ other channels.

Action item 0712-09
Adiel to coordinate the next strategic meeting of the EC, targeted
to occur prior to 31 March 2008.
Status: Open
Update: AA mentioned that he will send an update on or before the
February 08 meeting.

Action item 0712-10
Ray to inform the ASO AC that it does not see the need for a
workshop at an ICANN meeting in the coming year.”
Status: Closed
Update: RP mentioned that he informed the Chair

The Chair asked for comments.

RE mentioned that some of the tasks assigned to RP (items 2-7) were done in his
capacity as Chair of the EC. He said that these tasks need to be
reassigned to the new Chair. AA supported the comment and the Chair mentioned
that he has no objection. The Chair mentioned that he will take up action item
number 3, 4 ,6 and 7 as they are purely Chair related tasks and suggested
that RP continues to lead item no 2 and 5. RE mentioned that he is of
opinion that the Chair takes the lead on all the tasks dsiscussed. The
Chair mentioned that he has no objection and RP said that he will coordinate
action No 5 with the Chair.

RE mentioned that he would like to see the action items related to IANA Registry
file  completed as soon as possible. He said that this issue has been discussed
in depth before and there is no reason why this should be delayed further.

The Chair thanked AA for leading this item.

4. Roles and function of the Secretariat: Ray to lead

WRT the secretariat functions proposal, RP said that currently most items
were dynamic and that the proposal would identify more to be static thus
enhancing stablilty to the function.

AA expressed concern as to the fact that with this proposal, the Secretariat may
experience difficulties in cordinating some tasks with the people to whom they
are assigned at other RIRs because of the time zone difference. He said  that in
this context it may be better for the Secretariat to handle all the
administrative tasks and as he mentioned in his e-mail, keep the physical
infrastructure related (such as servers hosting and telconference logistic) ones
fix. RP mentioned that most of the tasks are not time zone dependent and AA said
that conference coordination  for example is time zone related.

Chair disconnected

AA mentioned that the main issue is the fact that currently the Secretariat or
other ad hoc offices work in an informal way. He said that if the process is
well documented, it will facilitate the proper rotation and handing over of the
functions. RP said that ARIN produced a handing over document before for the
Secretariat but he dosn’t know if APNIC has done the same. AA mentioned that
APNIC did and that the document produced was very complete indeed though he
is not sure if this was done the same way for the previous years. He said that
this document can be further improved into a formal process.

Chair joins back

The participants discussed the issue. After discussion, it was agreed that the
general idea of of having some functions locked down in order to provide
stability is important. However, it was noted that the proposal has to be
analysed in more detail. The Chair mentioned that this will be addressed again
at the next meeting and suggested that RP keep track of the different proposals
and updates the document accordingly. RP agreed and suggested having a time
line for the different discussion points. The Chair supported the suggestion and
asked for any final comments on the issue. There were no further comments.

5. Release of escrow funds: Adiel to lead.

Proposed Resolution:

“The NRO-EC decided to immediately release all its voluntary
contribution to ICANN budget as of 30 June 2007, and holds in
an escrow fund”

RP proposed a language change and moved with the following:

“The NRO Executive Council directs the Treasurer to release all of
the voluntary contributions to the ICANN budget as of 30 June 2007”

AA seconded the motion.

The Chair made a roll call on the motion. All voted in favour and the motion
passed unanimously.

The Chair asked if the Treasurer had any requirements in relation to this item.
AP mentioned that he has no specific issue and that he will process the fund

RP mentioned that in relation to the amount of the fund involved, there might be
a need for the Chair to co sign the authorisation of the release.

There were some discussion on this and it was agreed that;

– The Chair and the treasurer will need to find a common place for the co
signature (Most probalby in Delhi , February 2008)
– The Co Signature of the chair is required for the authorisation of the fund
release only and not on the cheque.

The Chair asked for any comments. There were no further comments.

6. ICANN: financial contribution 2008: Paul to lead

Proposed Resolution:

“The NRO-EC decided to pay a voluntary contribution to ICANN 2007-2008
budget an amount of USD 823,000. This amount will be release as soon as
ICANN will present the NRO with an invoice representing this agreed

Proposed action item [0108-01]: The chair to inform ICANN of the amount
of the NRO voluntary contribution to its 2007-2008 budget.

The Chair asked AP to lead the item in his capacity of Treasurer.

AP mentioned that he is of the understanding that nothing has changed and said
that he is of opinion that the contribution also should not be changed.

The Chair asked for comments.

AA and RE supported AP’s suggestion.

RP suggested considering whether the EC adopts a resolution that is restricted
to 2008 (implying that there is need to renegociate with ICANN every year) or
moving with resolution that gives more stability. It was agreed that this will
for 2008 only but, in its further decision regarding contribution the EC will
seek stability in this regard.

RP suggested a language change and moved with following:

The NRO Executive Council determines that the voluntary contribution
to ICANN for the year 2007-2008 budget to be $823,000 US dollars. This
amount will be released as soon as ICANN presents to the NRO an invoice
representing this amount

RE seconded the motion.

The Chair made a roll call. All voted in favour. The motion was carried

7. ICANN: NRO input to Midterm Review: Paul to lead

RP informed that he will be attending the meeting organised by Marilyn Cade

The Chair opened the discussion as to whether there should be an NRO response.
RP mentioned that NRO provided input the last time a review was conducted.

The participants discussed the issue and the Chair noted that there was
consensus on the following:

– The NRO shall not provide any comment or statement to be presented by RP at
the meeting.

– The NRO EC shall work on a formal statement based on input from all the RIRs
and the feedback from the meeting which RP will attend next week.

RP suggested that all participants forward to him any questions or comments that
they would like him to address at the meeting.

The Chair asked for a volunteer to compile all the suggestions and propose a
final statement to be sent on behalf of the NRO. AA volunteered to coordinate
the work.

The Chair asked for comments. There were no comments.

Action item [0108-02]: AA to coordinate the NRO input to the DoC’s
midterm review of ICANN.

8. Cisco Workshop on Address Allocation Models: Chair to lead

The Chair asked if all the participants were aware of this function.
The participants mentioned that they were aware although the following
was noted:

– AA : Did not receive any formal invitation.
– RP : Received an invitation in his capacity of president of ARIN
– RE : Did not receive any formal invitation.
– PW : He is aware but Geoff is invited and supposed to represent APNIC

The Chair asked AP to take lead the discussion as he proposed to have this item
on the agenda

AP mentioned that the objective is to ensure that everybody is aware of the
meeting and said that there is a need to consider whether RIR should participate
individually or as NRO representative.

The Chair mentioned that there is a draft document related to this item and
suggested that AP distributes it to the EC mailing list.

The Chair mentioned that he is not of opinion that the forum does not require
a formal NRO position. He suggested that each RIR decides as to whether they
would like to be represented or not and there is no need for a formal NRO
represenation either.

The Chair call for comments. RE mentioned that he supports the Chair’s comment
and that it is important to keep an eye on it.

The Chair called for other comments. There were no comments.

9. Delegations in Ray to lead

RP asked whether each RIR should  have their own delegation structure in the /12
that they received from  IANA or whether each RIR would do this on their own

AA said that this in an important issue and suggested tasking the ECG to work on
it as a common approach for the NRO.

RP asked whether the item should be tasked to the ECG directly  or addressed as
an ARIN proposal within the ECG.

The Chair agreed to have the issue considered as an ARIN proposal within the

There were some discussion as to whether this item should be marked as an action
item for the EC and after discussion it was agreed that it should not since it
is for the ECG to come to the EC with a proposal.

RP was requested to take the lead on the follow up of this item.

10. Globally coordinated policy: Paul to lead

The Chair asked RP to take the lead on this item as he proposed to have it on
the agenda.

RP stated that the ASO AC was asked to work on this but they have not progressed
much. Using the globally coordinated IPv6 policy he noted that it began being
changed by individual RIRs within 6 months of its adoption by all of the RIRs.

He then stated there needed to be some sort of enforcement mechanism to control
change to globally coordinated policies

He stated that as a solution the RIRs could take advantage of the policy process
described in the NRO MoU and use that as a basis for developing a PDP for
globally coordinated policies.”

The participants discussed the issue and it was noted that the item needs to be
discussed in more detail to analyse all the implications. It was suggested that
RP give more detail and clarification on this for further discussions.

11. ICANN Strategic Plan: Chair to lead

The Chair mentioned that he volunteered to take the lead on this item as he has
previously proposed to read the document and send some comment. He requested
that the EC members send to him any related comment or information.

Action item [0108-03]:  Chair to coordinate review and input of the NRO
to ICANN Strategic Plan document

12. AOB

A) Appointment of the CCG and ECG chair for 2008:RP to lead

AA mentioned that Frank Nnebe has been nomminated as the ECG Chair and
Ernest Byaruhanga has been appointed as the CCG Chair (He mentioned that for the
latter , he has sent an email to the CCG list earlier this day)

RP seconded the nominations.

The Chair mentioned that he is not sure if it is for the EC or the RIR to
appoint the Chair of the coordination group. RP said that this was not done for
the previous year but also saod that is something that is not addressed in any
of the
Charter document while there should be a provision on how this is done. He
further agreed that the EC may not need to formally take a resolution for that
we need formal way of appoint the chair of the CGs.

The Chair suggested for now just thanking AA for his advice and noted that there
were no objections from the EC members to the above appointments.

B) Communication with IANA :RP to lead

RP expressed concern as to the fact the IANA is addressing issues directly with
the RIR rather than the NRO. He mentioned that the NRO should approach the IANA
and inform them that all communication needs to be channelled through the NRO.

RE mentioned that one of the solution to the above issue is that the NRO should
provide a more efficient communication process to any organisation that need to
communicate to the NRO. RP mentioned that this issue has to be addressed

The Chair noted that above discussions are about different issues of principles.
He said it is important to consider the proposals.

For this item, it was noted that there was no common position on it and that it
was not a commonly agreed priority for the RIRs.

RP suggested designating an EC member (who shall not be the Chair, Secretary
or Treasurer) to be an IANA coordinator, responsible for providing input and
feedback from and to IANA

The Chair asked for comments. There were no comments.

The Chair suggested postponing the item to the next EC meeting with a more
elaborated proposal from RP.

13.  Adjournment

The Chair moved to adjourn the meeting at 12h32 UTC. RE seconded the motion.

Last modified on 02/09/2020