18 December 2007, Montevideo
Draft minutes
Ray Plzak (RP, Chair)
Paul Wilson (PW, Secretary)
Axel Pawlik (AP)
Adiel Akplogan (AA)
Raul Echeberria (RE)
1. Welcome
The meeting was called to order at 5pm.
2. Agenda bashing
No changes were made to the agenda.
3. Actions by EC Members
PW moved as follows:
“The NRO EC directs the following identified members to perform the actions
indicated and to report the status of their assigned actions to the
Secretary no later than 18 January 2008.
1. Raul to work with the Ad Hoc working group in Registration
Services’ practices, to finalise the work of that group.
2. Ray to task the ECG to create a WG for dealing with Resource
Certification Project.
3. Ray to draft an email to the Boards asking for guidelines about
a future Contract with ICANN, and send to the EC for review.
4. Ray to send an email to DRC attaching the spreadsheet with the
information of the distribution of free space in ERX blocks.
5. Ray to send a draft to the EC with the comments about the IPv4
file version sent by DRC, including comments on 7 /8 and the
definition of LEGACY.
6. Ray to send to David Conrad the proposed Administrative
Procedures document.
7. Ray to contact Janis Karklins regarding our attendance at GAC in
New Delhi.
8. Axel to arrange an meeting with the new Director, ITU-T.
9. Adiel to coordinate the next strategic meeting of the EC,
targeted to occur prior to 31 March 2008.
10. Ray to inform the ASO AC that it does not see the need for a
workshop at an ICANN meeting in the coming year.”
RE seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously.
4. Support for Regional events
PW moved as follows:
“The NRO EC adopts the as a cost sharing policy for regional events (such
as ITU Telecom Africa and Telecom Asia):
– Exhibit costs will be shared equally between the local RIR and the NRO
(the latter share to be divided as a standard shared expense).
– The local RIR and the NRO will bear their own respective costs for
promotional materials (gifts, brochures etc).
The local RIR will bear primary responsibility for organisation and
staffing, and may request assistance as required.”
AP seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously.
5. Operating principles and procedures for the NRO EC
AP moved as follows:
“The NRO EC adopts the following operating principles and procedures in
relation to its meetings and general. These are to be considered as
additional to existing principles and procedures which are in place or
a. Regular EC meetings will take place on the third Tuesday of each
month, at 1100 UTC, unless otherwise agreed. The quorum for meetings is 3
RIRs represented.
b. If the EC member will not be available for any reason, that
member has the right of nominating another person from the same RIR as a
proxy for specific actions.
c. The agenda has to be circulated by the chair 2 working days in
d. The secretariat will keep updated the list of open actions and
will remind the responsible of every action while it is not completed.
e. The secretary should send the minutes within 2 working days of
each meeting.
f. The EC members commit to facilitate the work of the EC by being
available for as much time as necessary.
g. When a member of the EC requests for comments about something,
the EC members should respond within 2 working days.
h. If an EC member is not available for responding to a request,
the EC will appreciate that an observer from the respective RIR will inform
the reason because the EC member doesn?t respond and when he will do that.
i. The EC members will announce every time that they will not be
available indicating who will take their role if needed.
j. The secretariat should keep track of the discussions held in the
list for submitting the conclusions to the EC for ratification in the
formal meetings.”
AA seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously.
6. Administrative restriction regarding requesting IPv4 address space
RE moved as follows:
“The NRO EC adopts the following administrative procedure to limit the size
of IPv4 request of the IANA to a maximum of 2 /8 blocks per requests, the
NRO EC further agrees that an RIR will not to issue any such request until
its own free pool of unfragmented IPv4 address space has been reduced to
less than 2 /8 blocks in total.
“The suggested suggested announcement text is:
“In March 2007, the RIRs agreed to limit the size of any IPv4 request of
the IANA (under http://www.aso.icann.org/docs/aso-001-2.pdf) to a maximum
of 2 /8 blocks per request.
“Today, 18 December 2007, the RIRs have further agreed to issue no such
IPv4 request to the IANA until their own pool of unfragmented IPv4 address
space has been reduced to less than 2 /8 blocks in total.
“The agreement is regarded as administrative in effect, having no regional
or global policy impact. The intent of the agreement is to facilitate the
tracking of global IPv4 consumption rates, and to allow more active
management of the remaining IPv4 address pool.”
AP seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously.
7. ASO AC Procedures for processing global policy proposals
AP moved a follows:
“The NRO EC adopts the ASO AC procedures for processing global policy
proposals as presented and directs the ASO AC to place them in their
operating procedures document.”
PW seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously.
8. ASO AC Chair Election Procedures
RE moved as follows:
“The NRO EC adopts the ASO AC Chair Election Procedures as presented and
directs the ASO AC to place them in their operating procedures document.”
AA seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously.
9. AOB
There was no other business conducted.
10. Adjournment
PW moved to adjourn the meeting, AP seconded, and the motion was carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 5.35pm
Last modified on 18/12/2007