Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 051122



Axel Pawlik (AP)
Ray Plzak (RP)
Adiel Akplogan (AA)
Raul Echeberria (RE)
Paul Wilson (PW)

Minutes taken by Raul Echeberria


1. Actions List
2. Vancouver roundtable arrangements
3. NRO incorporation next steps
4. ICANN contracts
5. New agreements between ICANN and Verisign
6. Any Other Business

1. Actions List

NRO-EC 04-78, 041203: RP to draft plan regarding NRO server placement.

NRO EC 05-46 050609: AP. To request a list of actions items to the ECG Chair.

NRO EC 05-56 050809: AP. Follow up the RIR conflict of interest posture and prepare a consistent statement to the ICANN Board regarding to this topic.

NRO EC 05-69 050907: AP. Define requirements for Richard and Frederico so they may continue their work on backup/recovery plan.

NRO EC 05-70 050907: AP. NRO EC chair task the chair of the CCG to come up with requirements definitions of the NRO website.

NRO EC 05-72 050907 RP and RE – Draft a proposal for use of legacy ERX space by RIRs. OPEN.

NRO EC 05-74 050907: RP. Compile comments of all NRO EC member comments to ICANN strategic plan.

NRO EC 05-76 051019: RP. To put together the report for the ASO which will be presented by AP at the meeting with ICANN (status report).

NRO EC 05-79 051019: AP. To contact Ambassador Khan to ensure we will have passes to enter and speak at the discussion room. OPEN.

NRO EC 05-81 051019: AP. To get a clean version of the latest version of the incorporation documents from the lawyers and circulate them.

NRO EC 05-82 051019: AP. To take the two drafts regarding IANA contracts to the EC list so everyone can take a final look at them and, even if they don’t necessarily agree with the content, they can establish that they are suitable to be discussed by the boards.
CLOSED, Substituted by a new action.

NRO EC 05-102 0511222: RP to prepare a new version of the IANA contract and send it to the EC list.

NRO EC 05-83 051019:  RP. To send a message to ICANN saying that the NRO have agreed that the amount for the year should be the U$S 823,000 and that we will get back to them on this as soon as we can.
OPEN – It was decided to wait until the next meeting.

NRO EC 05-85 051019: PW. To get back to RP regarding the new version of the “Code of Conduct” so that RP can put it on the list. CLOSED We have to figure out when we’re going to sign it.

NRO EC 05-87 051019: RE. To present his expense report regarding the WGIG as he sees fit and AP will make sure it is paid. OPEN.

NRO EC 05-88 051027: PW. To Pay U$S 3400 to Parliament Magazine on behalf of the NRO.
CLOSED. The payment was made by ARIN.

NRO EC 05-91 051027 RP. PW: To work together on an answer to ICANN regarding the interest expressed by some organizations from Guam regarding their belonging to a given service region.

NRO EC 05-94 051027: AP. To sent an email to Vint Cerf (with cc to Paul Twomey) to emphasize the role of the NRO in its function as the ASO.

NRO EC 05-95 051027: RP.  To draft and send to the EC internal NRO procedures for communicating with ITU.

NRO EC 05-96 051027: RP. To take this point in consideration (regionalization) for the NRO’s comments to the ICANN strategic plan. .

NRO EC 05-97 051108 RE, PW: To take all of the comments made so far and the 2 versions of the document prepared by RE and come up with two new documents and send them back to the list for discussion. RE will work on the governance document, PW on the more general document.

NRO EC 05-98 051108  ALL: To send comments back to NRO email list on the letter to be sent to ITU regarding the participation of the NRO in the Plenipotentiary Assembly.

NRO EC 05-99 051108  ALL: To indicate to PW if we’d like to go to Brisbane, stating possible dates and what activities we’ like to be involved in while we’re there.

NRO EC 05-100 051108  RP: To put some comments together regarding the agreements between ICANN and Verisign.

NRO EC 05-101 051108  RP will put together something formal so that we can vote on AC New Members Procedures in Tunis.

2. Vancouver Roundtable

RP is in contact with the Chair of the GAC to figure out the agenda for Vancouver. The Agenda will be circulated later today.

3. NRO Incorporation

AP informs that he hopes to have the next version of the document from the lawyers today.

4. Contracts with IANA/ICANN

The EC has agreed to work in a new document. This point has been already discussed in the first point of the Agenda.

5. New Agreements: ICANN-VERISIGN.

This point has been already discussed during the revision of the Actions List.

6. Any Other Business

RE propose to take a decision on Joint Whois or to abandon the project.
After discussion on this topic, the EC decides to stop the project.  RE informs that LACNIC still plans to continue using the interface developed, which is currently the front end of the LACNIC Whois Service.

Other EC members suggest that the expression Joint Whois should not be used, since it is not a joint project. RE agrees with using a different name.


NRO-EC 04-78, 041203: RP to draft plan regarding NRO server placement.

NRO EC 05-46 050609: AP. To request a list of actions items to the ECG Chair.

NRO EC 05-56 050809: AP. Follow up the RIR conflict of interest posture and prepare a consistent statement to the ICANN Board regarding to this topic.

NRO EC 05-69 050907: AP. Define requirements for Richard and Frederico so they may continue their work on backup/recovery plan.

NRO EC 05-70 050907: AP. NRO EC chair task the chair of the CCG to come up with requirements definitions of the NRO website.

NRO EC 05-72 050907 RP and RE – Draft a proposal for use of legacy ERX space by RIRs.

NRO EC 05-74 050907: RP. Compile comments of all NRO EC member comments to ICANN strategic plan.

NRO EC 05-76 051019: RP. To put together the report for the ASO which will be presented by AP at the meeting with ICANN (status report).

NRO EC 05-81 051019: AP. To get a clean version of the latest version of the incorporation documents from the lawyers and circulate them.

NRO EC 05-83 051019:  RP. To send a message to ICANN saying that the NRO have agreed that the amount for the year should be the U$S 823,000 and that we will get back to them on this as soon as we can.

NRO EC 05-91 051027 RP. PW: To work together on an answer to ICANN regarding the interest expressed by some organizations from Guam regarding their belonging to a given service region.

NRO EC 05-95 051027: RP.  To draft and send to the EC internal NRO procedures for communicating with ITU.

NRO EC 05-96 051027: RP. To take this point in consideration (regionalization) for the NRO’s comments to the ICANN strategic plan. .

NRO EC 05-98 051108  ALL: To send comments back to NRO email list on the letter to be sent to ITU regarding the participation of the NRO in the Plenipotentiary Assembly.

NRO EC 05-99 051108  ALL: To indicate to PW if we’d like to go to Brisbane, stating possible dates and what activities we’ like to be involved in while we’re there.

NRO EC 05-100 051108  RP: To put some comments together regarding the agreements between ICANN and Verisign.

NRO EC 05-101 051108  RP will put together something formal so that we can vote on AC New Members Procedures in Tunis.

NRO EC 05-102 0511222: RP. To prepare a new version of the IANA contract and send it to the EC list.

Last modified on 22/11/2005