Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 051019

Teleconference held on Wednesday, October 19, 2005 (1200 UTC)

EC Attendees:
Axel Pawlik (AP)
Ray Plzak (RO)
Adiel Akplogan (AA)
Raul Echeberria (RE)
Paul Wilson (PW)

Minutes taken by RE

Draft Agenda:

1. Agenda bashing
2. Next meeting
3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting 050907
4. Action List
5. Meetings in LA
6. WSIS planning until 2006
7. NRP statement on WSIS
8. NRO incorporation doc status
9. ICANN / IANA contract status
10. Payment of ICANN contribution
11. IANA special use address assignments, decision on Geoff’s draft
12. admin. relocation between RIR service areas (Guam)
13. NRO “Code of Conduct” document
14. ITU Plenipot
15. Payment of Parliament Magazine articles
16. RIR cost splitting formula
17. Input to ICANN re strategic plan, deadline
18. AOB

1) Agenda bashing

RE proposes to add to the agenda the sharing of some of the costs in which LACNIC incurs from his participation in the WGIG. It was discussed in Maputo and RP made a proposal at that time, but that meeting was informal.

It was agreed to include this item under AOB.

It was also proposed to consider the offer from APNIC regarding the possibility of Geoff dedicating time for working in NRO matters.

The final agenda of the meeting then is:

1.      Agenda Bashing
2.      Next Meeting
3.      Approval of Minutes of Meeting 050907
4.      Action List
5.      Meetings in LA
6.      WSIS planning until 2006
7.      NRO statement on WSIS
8.      NRO incorporation doc status
9.      ICANN / IANA contract status
10.    APNIC’s offer regarding Geoff collaboration.
11.    Payment of ICANN contribution
12.    IANA special use address assignments, decision on Geoff’s draft
13.    Admin. relocation between RIR service areas (Guam)
14.    NRO “Code of Conduct” document
15.    ITU Plenipot
16.    Payment of Parliament Magazine articles
17.    Expenses of Raul’s participation in the WGIG.
18.    RIR cost splitting formula
19.    Input to ICANN re strategic plan, deadline
20.    AOB

2) Next meeting

The next EC meeting will be held on Friday morning (7:30), in L.A. , during ARIN meeting.

3) Approval of Minutes (September 7)

RE moved to approve the minutes, motion seconded by AA. Hearing no objections, the minutes were approved.

RE thanks Richard Jimmerson for taking minutes at last meeting.

4) Action List

At RP’s suggestion RE proceeded to read the list of open actions. Comments are included after the corresponding actions.

NRO-EC 04-78, 041203:
RP to draft plan regarding NRO server placement.

NRO EC 05-46 050609:
AP. To request a list of actions items to the ECG Chair.

NRO EC 05-50 050721:
RP. Coordinate with Richard and Federico to work on a backup and recovery plan to use in case of a catastrophic RIR failure.
CLOSED. Substituted by a new action.

NRO EC 05-51 050721:
RP. To coordinate with ASO AC Chair a procedure for collaborative work between ASO AC and NRO and report back to the EC.

It was discussed that there would not be a problem at all in moving forward and putting together a much more formal meeting with ICANN to discuss the relationship between the ASO, NRO and ICANN. The definitive thing would be for us to make that presentation at the ICANN meeting so the ICANN Board is aware of what’s going on.
This was agreed and the following action decided:

NRO EC 05-76 051019:
RP. To put together an outline of the presentation regarding the relationship between ASO, NRO and ICANN, for the meeting with ICANN.

It was decided to include this as an agenda item for next week.

NRO EC 05-56 050809:
AP. Follow up the RIR conflict of interest posture and prepare a consistent statement to the ICANN Board regarding to this topic.

NRO EC 05-58 050809:
AP. Ask Ambassador Khan which subcommittee meetings will be open to the public and which will not during Prepcom III.

NRO EC 05-59 050809:
PW. To start working on a paper for the WSIS publication.

NRO EC 05-61 050809:
AP. Write a note to Sharyl to request a response to the document sent to the GAC Chair and Secretariat regarding the designation of liaisons.
CLOSED. The action is closed, but no answer has been received yet.

NRO EC 05-62 050809:
RP. To explain his proposal regarding “opening a means of communication with the ITU”.

It was also decided to put it on the agenda for next week’s meeting.

NRO EC 05-63 050809:
AP. To contact the IETF chairs with the question of whether or not a continued liaison between NRO and IETF is seen as a benefit to the IETF.

NRO EC 05-65 050809:
RP. To put together something for the proposed workshop during PrepCom III.

NRO EC 05-66 050907:
RP. Agreed to submit a draft of the SLA for IANA services to the NRO EC.

NRO EC 05-67 050907:
AP. Request a complete compilation of the current document set related to NRO incorporation from the RIR attorneys through the designated coordinator, Eduardo.

NRO EC 05-68 050907:
AP. It was agreed that the NRO EC Chair would send mail to the ASO AC Chair and strongly caution him about the potential repercussions of this type of activity.

NRO EC 05-69 050907:
AP. Define requirements for Richard and Frederico so they may continue their work on backup/recovery plan.

NRO EC 05-70 050907:
AP. NRO EC chair task the chair of the CCG to come up with requirements definitions of the NRO website.

NRO EC 05-71 050907:
PW. Look into the details of advertising with Google.

It was decided to put this item on next week’s agenda.

NRO EC 05-72 050907:
RP and RE. Draft a proposal for use of legacy ERX space by RIRs.

NRO EC 05-73 050907:
All. review ICANN Strategic Plan and send comments to NRO-EC list.

The Chair ask the EC members to send comments before the next week meeting.

NRO EC 05-74 050907:
RP. Compile comments of all NRO EC member comments to ICANN strategic plan.

NRO EC 05-75 050907:
RP. Treasurer to oversee collection of all NRO related expenses from RIRs so payment distribution of project may be determined.

5) Meetings in LA.

It was established that this item was already discussed earlier.

6) WSIS planning until 2006

AP asked whether any of those present had plans to go to the Prepcom before the summit. He received the following answers:

RP will travel to Tunis from Europe on on Monday 14.

PW and AA will try to go early.

RE plans to arrive on the 12th

RP will have a meeting with Richard Hill from ITU, next Monday.

The EC discussed its interest in becoming involved in the discussion toward the ITU Plenipotentiary Assembly.
It is mentioned that, based on the Geneva Principles, the ITU should offer open ways of participation.

New Action
NRO EC 05-77 051019 (All):

To send, before Saturday, topics or questions for RP to discuss with Richard Hill in his meeting next Monday.

7) NRO statement on WSIS

The Chair suggest that the NRO should make a statement specifically related to WSIS issues. The NRO We should consider it carefully and give it a form that will allow us to distribute this statement at the pavilion.

RE suggest to make public a statement prior to the summit, maybe at the negotiations meeting. A statement distributed at the pavilion would be too late.

AP agrees, it should be prior to the summit, but the statement should also be distributed at the pavilion so we can make sure that our position is widely available.

New Action
NRO EC 05-78 051019 (RE):

To prepare a draft statement on WSIS.

It is discussed that it would be important that AP could be in Tunis for the 13th in order to speak on behalf of the NRO.

AP will try to be there.

NRO EC 05-79 051019 (AP):
To contact Ambassador Khan to ensure we will have passes to enter and speak at the discussion room.

8) NRO incorporation documents status

AP comment that the structure proposed by the documents is perhaps too heavy. RIPE NCC board would like to leave out the control board. There’s no approval from my board yet.

RE says that from his point of view the NRO bylaws document is almost ready. There are still some minor changes to do. The member agreement needs a bit more work but it’s almost ready as well. The control organ is only for fulfilling legal requirements. It is normal for ensuring accountability in any organization.

AP says that he really doesn’t have a problem with this control board, it’s just that he believes it is not necessary.

New Action
NRO EC 05-80 051019 (All):

To send our very last set of comments to the incorporation documents before next Wednesday and then compile them and send a finalized set of comments to the lawyers so they can work on the final version a week later.

New Action
NRO EC 05-81 051019(AP):

To get a clean version of the latest version of the incorporation documents from the lawyers and circulate them.

The goal is to sign the incorporation documents in Tunis.

9) ICANN / IANA contract status

It was discussed if there should be one contract of two separated contracts.

Some suggested that we should have first an IANA service contract.

Other topic discussed was if the NRO contribution should be based on percentages or in the amount of manpower involved in the IANA functions.

There is agreement that the NRO should contribute also to the other functions of ICANN, but there is not agreement if there should be one contract and one contribution or two separated contracts with their respective payments.

New Action
NRO EC 05-82 051019 (AP):

To take the two drafts regarding IANA contracts to the EC list so everyone can take a final look at them and, even if they don’t necessarily agree with the content, they can establish that they are suitable to be discussed by the boards.

10) APNIC offer for Geoff to work for the NRO

PW clarifies that the proposal from APNIC is that Geoff could help with supporting the EC in the ongoing logistics of operating the EC, circulating, tracking document, proposals, liaisons, i.e. secretarial type of tasks in an ongoing sense. The initial offer was for two years. It was not in connection with this relatively short term activity of the contract.

There were different interpretations of this offer.

Some consider that their board will not accept the offer based in that the Section 8 of the NRO MoU says that it would not have permanent staff. It would require a unanimous vote of the EC to proceed with this.

AP states that he would be happy interpreting this on a shorter time frame similar to what I’m doing with Paul Rendek for the WSIS pavilion.

RP says that he has no problem with designating members of RIR staffs to be specific project managers for specific tasks for the NRO.

RE says that LACNIC Board has the highest opinion of Geoff and appreciate APNIC’s offer but he thinks that if the NRO needs staff, the NRO should hire that staff.

The official position of LACNIC will be communicated by the Chairman of the Board.

11) Payment of ICANN contribution

New Action
NRO EC 05-83 051019 (RP):

To send a message to ICANN saying that the NRO have agreed that the amount for the year should be the U$S 823,000 and that we will get back to them on this as soon as we can.

12) IANA special use address assignments, decision on Geoff’s draft

New Action
NRO EC 05-84 051019 (AP):

To ask Curtis what has happened with this draft (IANA special use address assignments).

14) NRO “Code of Conduct” document

RP submitted a new draft in response to PW comments.

New Action
NRO EC 05-85 051019 (PW):

To get back to RP regarding the new version of the “Code of Conduct” so that RP can put it on the list.

16) Payment of Parliament Magazine articles

Everyone has agreed to this, so all we need to decide who will draft a paper and send it to the Parliament guys.

New Action
NRO EC 05-86 051019 (AP):

To ask the CCG chair to draft the article for Parliament Magazine.

It was decided to include this item in the agenda for Los Angeles.

17) Sharing some of the cost for RE to attend the WGIG

RP suggests that we need an accounting mechanism to determine the per diem cost. He suggested some time ago that we follow the per diem tables that are published on a monthly basis by the US State Department, as these encompass almost any place and are updated on a monthly basis. They are readily available.

It was agreed that a reference was needed.

RE says that RP suggested in Maputo to pass to the NRO the expenses he incurred for attending the WGIG.

RE says that this would be unfair because it would mean that LACNIC would pay only a minor percentage of his expenses. His proposal is that LACNIC be in charge of accommodation and per diem expenses, and the NRO be in charge of the airfares.

AP says that’s generous offer and he agrees. He says that on the other hand actually the actual contribution of LACNIC has been to send RE, his time. So, if financially LACNIC didn’t contribute but a minor percentage he would have no problem with that.

All agreed.

New Action
NRO EC 05-87 051019 (RE):
To present his expense report regarding the WGIG as he sees fit and AP will make sure it is paid.

18) RIR cost Splitting formula

RP explains that this point was brought up for discussion in the CFO meeting in Amsterdam. Currently there are only two factors involved in the formula: 1) revenue, and 2) ipv4 address space. It does not include the other number resources that the RIRs allocate and assign which are IPv6 space and autonomous system numbers.

So the question is whether we want to add those two factors into the cost splitting formula.

PW feels that it is not necessary to do that at this stage.

Other options are suggested, like split the expenses only based on the RIR’s incomes.

RE says that he is open to any formula.

The discussion focuses between maintaining the status quo or to include the two other resources.

AP moved to keep the formula as it is; PW seconded the motion. With four votes for the affirmative and one abstention (RE), it was decided to maintain the status quo.

On being asked the reason for his abstention RE replied the following:
RE: The status quo is favorable for us, so there is a conflict of interest in voting for keeping the current formula.

In view of the lateness of the hour, agenda items 13) and 19) were postponed until next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 1430 UTC.


NRO EC 05-76 051019: RP.
To put together an outline of the presentation regarding the relationship between ASO, NRO and ICANN, for the meeting with ICANN.

NRO EC 05-77 051019:
All – To send, before Saturday, topics or questions for RP to discuss with Richard Hill in his meeting next Monday.

NRO EC 05-78 051019:
RE – To prepare a draft statement on WSIS.

NRO EC 05-79 051019:
AP – To contact Ambassador Khan to ensure we will have passes to enter and speak at the discussion room.

NRO EC 05-80 051019:
All – To send our very last set of comments to the incorporation documents before next Wednesday and then compile them and send a finalized set of comments to the lawyers so they can work on the final version a week later.

NRO EC 05-81 051019:
AP – To get a clean version of the latest version of the incorporation documents from the lawyers and circulate them.

NRO EC 05-82 051019:
AP – To take the two drafts regarding IANA contracts to the EC list so everyone can take a final look at them and, even if they don’t necessarily agree with the content, they can establish that they are suitable to be discussed by the boards.

NRO EC 05-83 051019:
RP – To send a message to ICANN saying that the NRO have agreed that the amount for the year should be the U$S 823,000 and that we will get back to them on this as soon as we can.

NRO EC 05-84 051019:
AP – To ask Curtis what has happened with this draft (IANA special use address assignments).

NRO EC 05-85 051019:
PW – To get back to RP regarding the new version of the “Code of Conduct” so that RP can put it on the list.

NRO EC 05-86 051019:
AP – To ask the CCG chair to draft the article for Parliament Magazine.

NRO EC 05-87 051019:
RE – To present his expense report regarding the WGIG as he sees fit and AP will make sure it is paid.


NRO-EC 04-78, 041203:
RP – to draft plan regarding NRO server placement.

NRO EC 05-46 050609:
AP – To request a list of actions items to the ECG Chair.

NRO EC 05-56 050809:
AP – Follow up the RIR conflict of interest posture and prepare a consistent statement to the ICANN Board regarding to this topic.

NRO EC 05-63 050809:
AP – To contact the IETF chairs with the question of whether or not a continued liaison between NRO and IETF is seen as a benefit to the IETF.

NRO EC 05-69 050907:
AP – Define requirements for Richard and Frederico so they may continue their work on backup/recovery plan.

NRO EC 05-70 050907:
AP – NRO EC chair task the chair of the CCG to come up with requirements definitions of the NRO website.

NRO EC 05-73 050907:
All – review ICANN Strategic Plan and send comments to NRO-EC list.

NRO EC 05-74 050907:
RP – Compile comments of all NRO EC member comments to ICANN strategic plan.

NRO EC 05-76 051019:
RP – To put together an outline of the presentation regarding the relationship between ASO, NRO and ICANN, for the meeting with ICANN.

NRO EC 05-77 051019:
All – To send, before Saturday, topics or questions for RP to discuss with Richard Hill in his meeting next Monday.

NRO EC 05-78 051019:
RE – To prepare a draft statement on WSIS.

NRO EC 05-79 051019:
AP – To contact Ambassador Khan to ensure we will have passes to enter and speak at the discussion room.

NRO EC 05-80 051019:
All – To send our very last set of comments to the incorporation documents before next Wednesday and then compile them and send a finalized set of comments to the lawyers so they can work on the final version a week later.

NRO EC 05-81 051019:
AP – To get a clean version of the latest version of the incorporation documents from the lawyers and circulate them.

NRO EC 05-82 051019:
AP – To take the two drafts regarding IANA contracts to the EC list so everyone can take a final look at them and, even if they don’t necessarily agree with the content, they can establish that they are suitable to be discussed by the boards.

NRO EC 05-83 051019:
RP – To send a message to ICANN saying that the NRO have agreed that the amount for the year should be the U$S 823,000 and that we will get back to them on this as soon as we can.

NRO EC 05-84 051019:
AP – To ask Curtis what has happened with this draft (IANA special use address assignments).

NRO EC 05-85 051019:
PW – To get back to RP regarding the new version of the “Code of Conduct” so that RP can put it on the list.

NRO EC 05-86 051019:
AP – To ask the CCG chair to draft the article for Parliament Magazine.

NRO EC 05-87 051019:
RE – To present his expense report regarding the WGIG as he sees fit and AP will make sure it is paid.

Last modified on 19/10/2005