Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 050907

The Chair opened the meeting at 7:13 AM UTC.

At the beginning of the meeting there was a discussion about the participation of observers. RE pointed out that the direction to observers of the NRO EC meetings is indicated in the minutes of the June, 9, 2005, meeting.

Paul Wilson (PW)
Ray Plzak (RP)
Axel Pawlik (AP) – Chair
Raul Echeberia (RE)
Adiel Aplogan (AA) – telephonic

Richard Jimmerson (RJ) – observer / minute taker
Paul Rendek (PR) – observer
Anne Lord (AL) – observer / telephonic


1. Agenda bashing
2. Minutes of previous meeting
3. Contribution to ICANN Budget
4. NRO Incorporation
5. Participation in the Internet Pavilion, Tunis
6. Communication with CCG – ECG
7. Prepcom III
8. New ICANN Policy Person
9. Next meeting
10. Review of Action List
11. Google Ad proposal
12. Allocation of ERX Free Space
13. AOB

1) Agenda bashing

There was agreement on the order of the agenda items. It was agreed that additional items to the agenda would be added to the AOB portion of the meeting.

2) Minutes of previous meeting

RP moved that the minutes of the August 9, 2005, meeting be adopted. RE seconded the motion. The chair asked if anyone was opposed. With no opposition the minutes of the August 9, 2005, meeting were adopted.

3) Contribution to ICANN Budget

*NRO-EC 05-22 050315:*
RP To prepare one last version of a document of contract services with our comments on this and send it to the EC.

RP reported that he has completed this task. Following his sending of the draft to the list there were comments made. RP has created a new draft based on those comments and would like to discuss them at this meeting. A discussion of the new draft ensued.

Following discussion of the document it was agreed RP will complete a new draft to align it with the agreements made during this meeting. RP also agreed to submit an IANA services draft to the NRO EC.

NRO EC 05-66 050907

RP – Agreed to submit a draft of the SLA for IANA services to the NRO EC.

4) NRO Incorporation

AP proposed that the NRO EC request a complete compilation of the current document set related to NRO incorporation from the RIR attorneys through the designated coordinator, Eduardo. Everyone agreed.

NRO EC 05-67 050907

AP – Request a complete compilation of the current document set related to NRO incorporation from the RIR attorneys through the designated coordinator, Eduardo.

5) Participation in the Internet Pavilion, Tunis

*NRO EC 05-60 050809*
RP. To write a tasking note for the CCG regarding the preparation of multimedia material for the NROs participation in the Internet Pavillion during the Summit in Tunis.

This item has been completed and is CLOSED.

*NRO EC 05-55 050721*
RP. To talk to Lynn and ask her about what the participation would entail and how we can participate in a meaningful manner.

This item has been completed and is CLOSED.

The tasking document or Tunis was discussed. It was agreed that things have been set into motion and that the NRO EC will allow the process to continue its course.

6) Communication with CCG – ECG

*NRO EC 05-46 050609*
RP. To request a list of actions items to the ECG Chair

RP sent a message to the NRO ECG Chair and has not yet received a response. RP will send a follow-up message asking for status.

7) Prepcom III

*NRO EC 05-64 050809*
RE. To prepare a draft for comments to WGIG report and send it to NRO EC list for comments.

RE reported this item complete and it is considered CLOSED.

*NRO EC 05-65 050809*
RP. To put together something for the proposed workshop during PrepCom III.

It was reported that this action item is underway as a cooperative effort of several NRO EC members.

*NRO EC 05-57 050809*
RE Send Ambassador Khan email address to AP

This item is reported to be complete and the action item is CLOSED.

*NRO EC 05-58 050809*
AP. Ask Ambassador Khan which subcommittee meetings will be open to the public and which will not during Prepcom III.

AP sent message and did not receive reply. AP will follow-up.

*NRO EC 05-52 050721*
AP To send a note to the ambassador Khan thanking him for the opportunity to participate in the meeting this week and saying one more time that the NRO is very interested in participating in everything and that we hope to work closely with him, etc.

This action has been completed and the item is CLOSED.

RP wanted to discuss who was going to be in Geneva, and when. A discussion ensued. RP, AP, and AA will be in Geneva the first week of the meeting. PW and RE will be in Geneva for the second week of the meeting. It was agreed there would be a hand-off meeting of the NRO EC at the transition between the two weeks of meetings.

8) New ICANN Policy Person

A discussion about the new ICANN Policy position and the request for participation of the ASO AC Chair in the review process was discussed.

It was agreed that the NRO EC Chair would send mail to the ASO AC Chair and strongly caution him about the potential repercussions of this type of activity.

NRO EC 05-68 050907

AP – It was agreed that the NRO EC Chair would send mail to the ASO AC Chair and strongly caution him about the potential repercussions of this type of activity.

9) Next meeting

It was discussed that the next meeting of the NRO EC might best be conducted at either the upcoming RIPE or ARIN meetings, or telephonically. Following discussion it was agreed that the next meeting will take place on October 11 during RIPE meeting.

10) Review of Action List

*NRO EC 05-56 050809. *
AP. Follow up the RIR conflict of interest posture and prepare a consistent statement to the ICANN Board regarding to this topic

This item is pending action.

*NRO EC 05-59 050809*
PW. To start working on a paper for the WSIS publication.

Work on this action item is underway.

*NRO EC 05-61 050809*
AP.Write a note to Sharyl to request a response to the document sent to the GAC Chair and Secretariat regarding the designation of liaisons.**

AP has attempted contact on several occasions with no response. AP has noted Sharyl’s presence at the APNIC meeting and will attempt to hold a discussion with him in person.

*NRO EC 05-62 050809*
RP. To explain his proposal regarding opening a means of communication with the ITU.

RE explained that action item – RP to describe his views on opening a means of communications with the ITU (instead of having formal liaisons).

RP indicated this as a work in progress.

*NRO EC 05-63 050809*
AP. To contact the IETF chairs with the question of whether or not a continued liaison between NRO and IETF is seen as a benefit to the IETF. **

AP reported the item to be a work in progress.

*NRO EC 05-66 050809*
PW To prepare a response to Milton Mueller’s proposal in collaboration with Geoff and try to have a draft as soon as possible.

This action item is complete and considered CLOSED.

NRO EC 05-50 050721*
RP. Coordinate with Richard and Federico to work on a backup and recovery plan to use in case of a catastrophic RIR failure.

RP wants EC to define some requirements for Richard and Frederico so they may continue their work. AP agreed to work on the requirements.

NRO EC 05-69 050907

AP – Define requirements for Richard and Frederico so they may continue their work on backup/recovery plan.

NRO EC 05-51 050721*
RP. To coordinate with ASO AC Chair a procedure for collaborative work between ASO AC and NRO and report back to the EC.

Initial contact has been established. Expect a report when we meet at the ARIN meeting in LA (26-28 Oct), therefore this item needs not to be considered by the EC until that time.

*NRO-EC 04-78, 041203:*
RP to draft plan regarding NRO server placement.

Action under way. There may be some synergy with the backup and recovery plan with this. Expect a report when we meet at the ARIN meeting in LA (26-28 Oct). This item need not be considered by the EC prior to that meeting.

We may want to shape placement of servers and strategy behind that to accommodate a recovery situation.

*NRO-EC 04-46, 040616: *
RP to draft request to delegate to the NRO. need to look at and, too.

It was agreed this item will be CLOSED for consideration at a future date.

RE requested a go-back to open action item #05-46 that deals with the request for status to the ECG. RE believes this coordination item should be completed by the Chair. It was agreed by all that this item be transferred to Chair.

11) Google Ad proposal

A discussion about the potential of advertising with Google was held. It was agreed that the NRO EC chair would task the chair of the CCG to come up with requirements definitions of the NRO website in preparation for such advertising.

NRO EC 05-70 050907

AP – NRO EC chair task the chair of the CCG to come up with requirements definitions of the NRO website.

PW agreed to look into details of advertising with Google and get back to the group.

NRO EC 05-71 050907

PW – Look into the details of advertising with Google.

12) Allocation of ERX Free Space

RP and RE have been discussing this subject. We need to do something about the holes in the space left over from ERX. RP and RE would like to split up and distribute the space amongst RIRs for their use. It was agreed RP and RE would draft a proposal and submit to the rest of the group.

NRO EC 05-72 050907

RP and RE – Draft a proposal for use of legacy ERX space by RIRs.

13) AOB

13a) GAC Activity in Vancouver

RP will meet with Sharyl on this subject. He is thinking we will do something similar to the Luxemburg event, but that we be careful to avoid any pitfalls of that previous event. We should keep educational perspective. We should seek to keep it similar to last time. RP asked that if anyone has items related to an agenda that they get that information back to him.

13b) Strategic Plan (ICANN)

A discussion about the ICANN Strategic plan was held. It was agreed each CEO would conduct a review of the document and send their comments to RP for compilation.

NRO EC 05-73 050907

All – review ICANN Strategic Plan and send comments to NRO-EC list.

NRO EC 05-74 050907

RP – Compile comments of all NRO EC member comments to ICANN strategic plan.

13c) CEO and CTOs invited to attend secure routing workshop.

The intent of workshop is to establish panel of ISPs to draft a proposal concerning the accuracy of RIR data. There will be a data accuracy roundtable at the ARIN meeting that may result in a new policy proposal.

13d) Rotation of Secretariat Function

RE stated we need to include AFRINIC in the rotation of secretariat functions. RE suggests they take the secretariat function in 2008. Everyone agreed. AA will be NRO Treasurer in 2007, followed by his taking of the Secretary position in 2008.

13e) Distribution of NRO Expenses

RE brought this item up for discussion. He wants everyone to send their funds expended on NRO/ASO related activities for 2005 to the Secretary so we may determine split of expenses for secretariat. The oversight on this action item is for the Treasurer, RP.

NRO EC 05-75 050907

RP – treasurer to oversee collection of all NRO related expenses from RIRs so payment distribution of project may be determined.

Meeting concluded at 9:05 AM UTC.


NRO-EC 04-78, 041203
RP to draft plan regarding NRO server placement.

NRO EC 05-46 050609
AP. To request a list of actions items to the ECG Chair

NRO EC 05-50 050721
RP. Coordinate with Richard and Federico to work on a backup and recovery plan to use in case of a catastrophic RIR failure.

NRO EC 05-51 050721
RP. To coordinate with ASO AC Chair a procedure for collaborative work between ASO AC and NRO and report back to the EC.

NRO EC 05-56 050809
AP. Follow up the RIR conflict of interest posture and prepare a consistent statement to the ICANN Board regarding to this topic

NRO EC 05-58 050809
AP. Ask Ambassador Khan which subcommittee meetings will be open to the public and which will not during Prepcom III.

NRO EC 05-59 050809
PW. To start working on a paper for the WSIS publication.

NRO EC 05-61 050809
AP. Write a note to Sharyl to request a response to the document sent to the GAC Chair and Secretariat regarding the designation of liaisons.**

NRO EC 05-62 050809
RP. To explain his proposal regarding opening a means of communication with the ITU.

NRO EC 05-63 050809
AP. To contact the IETF chairs with the question of whether or not a continued liaison between NRO and IETF is seen as a benefit to the IETF.

NRO EC 05-65 050809
RP. To put together something for the proposed workshop during PrepCom III.

NRO EC 05-66 050907
RP – Agreed to submit a draft of the SLA for IANA services to the NRO EC.

NRO EC 05-67 050907
AP – Request a complete compilation of the current document set related to NRO incorporation from the RIR attorneys through the designated coordinator, Eduardo.

NRO EC 05-68 050907
AP – It was agreed that the NRO EC Chair would send mail to the ASO AC Chair and strongly caution him about the potential repercussions of this type of activity.

NRO EC 05-69 050907
AP – Define requirements for Richard and Frederico so they may continue their work on backup/recovery plan.

NRO EC 05-70 050907
AP – NRO EC chair task the chair of the CCG to come up with requirements definitions of the NRO website.

NRO EC 05-71 050907
PW – Look into the details of advertising with Google.

NRO EC 05-72 050907
RP and RE – Draft a proposal for use of legacy ERX space by RIRs.

NRO EC 05-73 050907
All – review ICANN Strategic Plan and send comments to NRO-EC list.

NRO EC 05-74 050907
RP – Compile comments of all NRO EC member comments to ICANN strategic plan.

NRO EC 05-75 050907
RP – treasurer to oversee collection of all NRO related expenses from RIRs so payment distribution of project may be determined.

Last modified on 02/09/2020