Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 041203

Raúl Echeberría (RE), via telephone
Axel Pawlik (AP)
Ray Plzak (RP)
Paul Wilson (PW)

Adiel Akplogan (AA)
German Valdez (GV)
Richard Jimmerson (RJ), agenda item 2

RE introduced GV as observer

NRO-EC 04-63, 041203:
Sec add RJ to EC posters’ list.

At 1905 the Chair convenes the meeting.


  1. Review of Minutes and Action List
    a. NRO participation before April 2005
  3. ASO MoU implementation
  4. IPv4 global policy
  5. IPv6 global policy
  6. Response to ICANN strategic plan
  7. IANA service contract
  8. Joint whois
  9. Joint statistics
  10. Communications strategy
  11. Signing NRO bank account papers
  12. Zhao paper further actions
  13. Regional GAC liaison
  14. EC alternates / participation in absence
  15. Regularly scheduled EC meetings
  16. Statements for public forum
  17. NRO server location
  18. Rotation of offices

1 Review of Minutes and Actions List

AP moves to review the minutes of the last meeting over next week, online, to preserve time in this meeting.
RP seconds, all in favour.


AA reviews status. Intention to gain recognition in 04/05. Need to review support available form NRO.
RJ gives overview over remaining tasks. April makes for a tight schedule, giving less time than LACNIC had for its setup. RJ will send the task schedule to NRO EC. Three core activities (Whois, registration and accounting systems) need completion on accelerated schedule before recognition can take place. In light of limited staff available, more support is likely to be needed.
RE agrees to make LACNIC registration system available for testing.

RP, AP, PW, RE agree to adjust internal priorities to facilitate this process.

a. NRO participation before April 2005

RP motions that based on progress made and provisional recognition by ICANN AFRINIC is granted provisional membership in the NRO. This excludes participation in the Policy Development Process based on the ASO MoU. RE seconds. All agree.

NRO-EC 04-64, 041203:
AA to send board member mail addresses to Sec.

3. ASO MoU implementation

All agree to constitute new AC on 1 January.

4. IPv4 global policy

PW gives a status update: Mark McFadden, the chair of the Address Council, has not heard from ICANN since submittal of the policy.
PW proposes to communicate NRO expectations together with a note on MoU implementation.
AP proposes to re-start counter on 1 Jan.
Agreement to do so.

5. IPv6 global policy

AP circulated summary, RE commented.
RE proposes new common proposal for next round of policy meetings.
RE volunteers to synthesise new draft.

NRO-EC 04-65, 041203:
RE to produce new draft of IPv6 global policy.

6. Response to ICANN strategic plan

Invite comments from regional communities, with end date 15 Jan.

NRO-EC 04-66, 041203:
All to announce public comment period regarding ICANN strategic plan to their communities before 15 Dec, for 30 days.

NRO-EC 04-67, 041203:
RP to send announcement of public comment period regarding ICANN strategic plan to rir-boards.

RP proposes to produce combined response, with rir-boards consent.

7. IANA service contract

Statement of work to be prepared, to be attached to the contract. RP suggests that RS managers will collaborate on that statement.

NRO-EC 04-66, 041203:
All to announce public comment period regarding ICANN strategic plan to their communities before 15 Dec, for 30 days.

NRO-EC 04-67, 041203:
RP to send announcement of public comment period regarding ICANN strategic plan to rir-boards.

NRO-EC 04-68, 041203:
RP to task Leslie with coordinate work statement between the RIRs’ registration services groups.
NRO-EC 04-69, 041203:
RP to contact Steve Ryan to produce contract text to be based on agreed ICANN 2001 contract.

NRO incorporation: LACNIC lawyer to send briefing on Uruguay to lawyers on Monday.

NRO-EC 04-70, 041203:
Sec to setup legal team mailing list.

8. Joint whois

NRO-EC 04-71, 041203:
RP to provide comments on ECG chair input.

NRO-EC 04-72, 041203:
All to provide comments to RP within a week.

9. Joint statistics

PW has a proposal for extentions to stats format to increase value of data sets.
Suggests that EC signs off and communicates to ECG as work item.

NRO-EC 04-73, 041203:
PW to send proposal to EC for adoption with suggested comment period.

10. Communications strategy

RP reports about engaging experienced PR agency, which is capable to work outside ARIN region. Proposes to move this activity into CCG. All agree.

RP: EC has been poor in communications with CGs. Need task list for CCG (presentations maintained, global communications strategy, coordination between NRO and RIR sites, etc.).

NRO-EC 04-74, 041203:
RP, PW to create charter for CGs

Meeting adjourned at 2030, to re-convene at 0700 next day.

Meeting re-convenved at 0700, 041204.

11. Signing NRO bank account papers

(done, RE copies couriered via GV)

12. Zhao paper further actions

RE: freeze status, don’t imply too high importance by heightened activity.
All agree.

13. Regional GAC liaison

NRO-EC 04-75, 041203:
Action RP to create liaison statement document.

RE: communicate with governments regionally, but coordinate through NRO.

14. EC observers/representatives / participation in absence

Agreed to appoint representatives for participation in EC meetings if EC member cannot participate himself. PW appoints Anne Lord, RP Richard Jimmerson, RE German Valdez, AP Paul Rendek.

NRO-EC 04-76, 041203:
RP to create descriptive document describing EC participation, according to open/transparent process.

15. Regularly scheduled EC meetings

All agreed to block 1100 UTC every second Tuesday per month for an NRO EC teleconference.

NRO-EC 04-76, 041203:
All to send list of meeting participation to secretariat.

NRO-EC 04-77, 041203:
Secretariat to assemble meeting matrix.

16. Statements for public forum

All agree on a list of items for comment in the upcoming ICANN Public Forum.

17. NRO server location

Agreement top keep things as they are for now, don’t move machines.

NRO-EC 04-78, 041203:
RP to draft plan regarding NRO server placement.

18. Rotation of offices

Significant assistance offer from all for coming secretariat.
RP starting on treasurer work.

Agreement that CCG is to coordinate translations.

NRO-EC 04-79, 041203:
RP to coordinate list of languages for translations of NRO documents.

The meeting was closed at 0820.

List of new actions

NRO-EC 04-63, 041203:
Sec add RJ to EC posters’ list.

NRO-EC 04-64, 041203:
AA to send board member mail addresses to Sec.

NRO-EC 04-65, 041203:
RE to produce new draft of IPv6 global policy.

NRO-EC 04-66, 041203:
All to announce public comment period regarding ICANN strategic plan to their communities before 15 Dec, for 30 days.

NRO-EC 04-67, 041203:
RP to send announcement of public comment period regarding ICANN strategic plan to rir-boards.

NRO-EC 04-68, 041203:
RP to task Leslie with coordinate work statement between the RIRs’ registration services groups.
NRO-EC 04-69, 041203:
RP to contact Steve Ryan to produce contract text to be based on agreed ICANN 2001 contract.

NRO-EC 04-70, 041203:
Sec to setup legal team mailing list.

NRO-EC 04-71, 041203:
RP to provide comments on ECG chair input.

NRO-EC 04-72, 041203:
All to provide comments to RP within a week.

NRO-EC 04-73, 041203:
PW to send proposal to EC for adoption with suggested comment period.

NRO-EC 04-74, 041203:
RP, PW to create charter for CGs

NRO-EC 04-75, 041203:
Action RP to create liaison statement document.

NRO-EC 04-76, 041203:
All to send list of meeting participation to secretariat.

NRO-EC 04-77, 041203:
Secretariat to assemble meeting matrix.

NRO-EC 04-78, 041203:
RP to draft plan regarding NRO server placement.

NRO-EC 04-79, 041203:
RP to coordinate list of languages for translations of NRO documents.

Last modified on 02/09/2020