Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 041022

041022 – Teleconference – 0808 UTC

Participants: Raúl Echeberría (RE), Axel Pawlik (AP), Ray Plzak (RP)
Observer: Adiel Akplogan (AA)
Apologies: Paul Wilson (PW)


1 Review of Open Action Items
2 Discussion of NRO-EC 04-33
3 Status of Joint Whois Activities
4 Status of 6to4 Delegation Activities
5 Issues Arising From CCG Meeting 041019
6 Open Issues From ECG

1 Review of Open Action Items

The action list was marked as appropriate.

It was noted that the action to reply to ICANN, regarding invoices/pledges was still open. This was not formally noted as an action:

NRO-EC 04-55, 041022
RP to reply to ICANN regarding invoices/pledges, and to request one joint invoice for NRO in future.

2 Discussion of NRO-EC 04-33

NRO-EC 04-33, 040505:
RP (was JC): Draft and circulate NRO Co-ordination Group work principles.

The action was marked DONE.

NRO-EC 04-56, 041022:
RE and AA to provide response by 3 November 2004.

3 Status of Joint Whois Activities

The situation was reviewed, RE reports that a prototype is ready and still needs documentation. It was noted that design / work plan were missing.

NRO-EC 04-57 041022:
RP to ask chair of ECG to document resources needed, provide technical recommendation to EC, set deadline for response.
[marked DONE on 041025]

4 Status of 6to4 Delegation Activities

IANA is willing to delegate to NRO.

NRO-EC 0458, 041022:
RP to ask ECG for status report.
[marked DONE on 041025]

5 Issues Arising From CCG Meeting 041019

Not everyone has yet read the document prepared by the CCG chair.
Agenda point postponed.

6 Open Issues From ECG

No open issues were brought up.
[Since, two documents have been re-sent to the EC list: DNSSEC deployment roadmap and Development of NRO services (a process) to be discussed at the next EC meeting.]


7a Mail to GAC chairman regarding NRO FAQ

NRO-EC 0559, 041022:
RP to re-draft provided document, all to provide comments.
This to be put together with response regarding meeting with full GAC in Cape Town.
It was agreed to respond to chair of GAC with cc to secretariat.

7b Mail to M. Kummer regarding expectations that NRO will participate and pay its expenses (“WGIG fyi”)

NRO-EC 0460, 041022:
AP to follow up with PW.

7c Meeting with GAC in Cape Town

see 7a

7d AFRINIC final recognition

AA: Need to finalise last part of transition.
Richard Jimmerson is working on it, milestones have been updated.

7e NRO sponsorship at ICANN activity

Item not discussed due to time shortage.

7f Release of funds to ICANN

NRO-EC 05-61, 041022:
RP to reply to Mark McFadden’s mail to ac-coord.
[DONE by RE]

Meeting went into recess at 0900, to be continued in SJ.

Last modified on 02/09/2020