NRO EC Meeting Minutes: April 2017

Minutes of the NRO EC Teleconference
Tuesday 18 April 2017 at 11:00 AM UTC

Executive Council:

John Curran (JC) ARIN Chair
Paul Wilson (PW) APNIC Secretary
Alan Barrett (AB) AFRINIC Treasurer
Axel Pawlik (AP) RIPE NCC


Vymala Thuron (VT) AFRINIC
Nate Davis (ND) ARIN
Paul Andersen (PA) ARIN
Pablo Hinojosa (PH) APNIC
Sanjaya (SS) APNIC
Izumi Okutani (IO) APNIC
Ernesto Majo (EM) LACNIC
Hartmut Glaser (HG) LACNIC

Oscar Robles (OR) LACNIC


German Valdez (GV) NRO
Bhadrika Magan (MG) APNIC


Draft Agenda NRO EC teleconference meeting 18 April 2017

0. Welcome
1. Agenda Review
2. Minutes Review
February 21
March 16
3. ASO Review Update
a) NRO EC comments on ASO Survey
4. CCWG S2 Update
5. IGF Contribution
6. NRO EC Vice Chair role
7. Refresh for NRO RPKI Statement
8. CG Input / Consultation (optional)
a) CCG
b) ECG
9. Review Open Actions
10. Next Meetings
a) Teleconference Tuesday May 16
b) Teleconference Tuesday June 20
c) face-to-face meeting 27 October Dubai
11. AOB
12. Adjourn

0 Welcome

GV notified that OR was not joining the call but he appointed EM to represent LACNIC fully during the call.

JC welcomed all participants and started the meeting at 11:03 AM UTC

1 Agenda Review

All agreed in the agenda.

2 Minutes Review

GV confirmed that ARIN, LACNIC and RIPE NCC are pending to send comments for February 21

GV said that March 16 are still pending for comments from all EC members.

3 ASO Review Update

GV reported that the he has been in contact with ITEMS consultants. GV said that 36 interviews have been conducted so far. GV reminded about the monthly report sent by ITEMS a week before.

JC asked for opinions for PW statement proposal for the ASO public survey.

PW said that the proposed statement is intended to publicly air the NRO’s views on the ASO, during the consultation process. He said that any changes to the ASO as a result of the review should come from a bottom up process after consulting RIR communities, once the ASO report is delivered.

AP agreed with PW statement.

JC asked AP to make final edition to the statement and circulate a new draft for approval of the NRO EC.

PW suggested to share the statement with the ASO AC and ask them to consider joining with us in a joint statement of the NRO EC and ASO AC, if they agree.

AP supported PW suggestion.

New Action Item 170418-01. AP to send to the NRO EC a final draft of the NRO statement on the ASO survey. Deadline to incorporate comments and finalize the statement is Tuesday 25 April.

New Actions Item 170418-02. JC based on the NRO statement on the ASO review invite the ASO AC to join the document.

JC reminded about Rinalia’s offer to host a wiki page in ICANN with information of the status of the ASO review.

PW welcomed the offer but he stressed the importance that actual community input would be managed by each of the RIRs, through bottom up community consultation.

All agreed

New Action Item 170418-03 GV draft a response to Rinalia accepting the offer of ICANN hosting a wiki page with the ASO review status information but make it quite clear that the community input would be managed by the RIR through a community consultation process.

4. CCWG S2 Update

Item was postponed for next meeting.

5. IGF Contribution

JC reminded about the letter from IGF chair requesting to the technical communities’ additional funds to the IGF secretariat.

AP said he was concerned that the lack of funds could be a recurrent problem but he agreed to provide extra funds for this year shortfall

EM agreed with AP. EM suggesting asking the IGF for a sustainability plan for the coming years.

JS suggested to send the extra contribution to IGF secretariat advising them that the additional contribution is in response of IGF MAG chair request.


The NRO EC resolves to make an exceptional one off 75,000 USD dollars contribution to IGF UN trust fund in response to IGF MAG chair request.

New Action Item 170418-04 PW to draft a message to IGF secretariat informing them about an additional 2017 exceptional one off contribution for 75000 USD in response to IGF MAG Chair request for additional funds.

6. NRO EC Vice Chair role

JC proposed the creation of a vice chair role in the NRO EC. JC said that the vice chair could act on behalf of the NRO EC chair when he is absent. JC suggested that the vice chair should be treated with the same courtesy and included in all communications addressed to the chair.

PW agreed with JC in the need to have such role. PW said that the options for this role could be the previous chair, or the next year’s chair.

EM said that in the past in the absence of the chair the secretary has filled this position.

After consulting the NRO EC members, JC suggested that the NRO EC secretary perform the role of the NRO EC vice chair.

All agreed.

New Action Item 170418-05 GV to update the NRO website with the new role information.

New Action Item 170418-06 GV to update NRO mailing list, aliases and inform ICANN about the NRO EC vice-chair role.

7. Refresh for NRO RPKI Statement

JC pointed out the information regarding RPKI in the NRO website is outdated. JC suggested to change the information with a revised NRO EC declaration on RPKI.

AP agreed with JC. AP suggested to add a statement regarding 0/0.

AB suggested to keep the reference to the old content.

New Action Item 170418-07 AB in coordination with the CCG draft new content for the RPKI section in the NRO website.

8. CG / Input Consultation

GV asked on behalf of the CCG about the efforts to submit NRO content to the IGF program for 2017 meeting. GV said that the deadline to submit workshops is May 21st and for open forums June 21st.

PW suggested that the CCG lead the effort in coordination with Public Affairs staff for the submission of workshops to the IGF program, if they find relevant content to be submitted as NRO. PW suggested that we have an ongoing obligation to participate, having given out support to the continuation of the IGF.

All agreed.

PW brought to the attention of the NRO EC some findings made by Geoff Huston regarding ASNs potentially affected by rollover of the KSK. PW said that there is a list available of ASNs which may have problems, and this can be shared with other RIRs.

PW suggested that the CCG would work in an outreach technical campaign addressing the issue.

9 Review Open Actions

Action Item 170316-01: Legal Team to draft an interim as simple as possible procedures, for the ASO community powers.


GV would check with Athina about the status of the action.

Action Item 170316-02: JC to draft a message to CCWG S2 representatives clarifying the engagement with this group (observers by default, no position unless instructed by the NRO EC)


JC said the approach of the communication should be about discussing the procedure to develop in conjunction the input of the community to the CCWG.

Action Item 170316-03: NRO Secretariat. To create a list of liaisons we have appointed to any ICANN activities and publish it on the NRO website.


GV said that he had a list of ten groups where the ASO/NRO have appointed representatives.

Action Item 170316-04: NRO EC (JC) to clarify with IANA RC that according to IANA RC charter community consultation is only for the final report.


Action Item 170316-05: NRO EC (JC) to direct RC to provide its report on 15 months of IANA service; for period time 1 October 2016 to 31 December 2017, and give it to the NRO EC in the first half of 2018.


Action Item 170316-06: PW to draft a NRO response to ITEMS consultation process for the EC to review and comment.


Action Item 170316-07 GV send back ASO AC procedures with approval on condition of accepting NRO EC suggested changes first.


GV said that Jason Schiller would present a final version of the ASO AC for approval.

Action Item 170316-08 GV to amend ASOAC participation table in the ASO website to include 2017 attendance record, meeting attendance/meeting eligible, apologies records.


GV said that there is a new table recording 2017 attendance in the ASO website.

Action Item 170316-09 JC to send a message to the ASO AC to include ASO AC attendance meeting records in their presentation reports.


Action Item 170316-10 JC to inform Filiz Yilmaz that participation in NRO EC meetings will be subject for the discussion of agreed specific topics.


Action Item 170316-11 PW to contact NAH and re-emphasize the agreement with the NRO regarding his representation in Geneva meetings.


Action Item 170316-12 RSM Chair (JS) to get a document to the NRO EC for agreement on NRO global stats format and publish it.


GV reported that the RSCG is working on the task. The item was discussed in last week RSCG teleconference.

Action Item 170316-13 CCG in advance of 6/6/2016 activities to update IPv6 content based on regional input and coordinate a RIR promotional video.


Action Item 170316-14 EC members, to work with teams to get 0/0 deployment date and report back to the NRO EC

JC asked that in terms of external communications what is the period when the RIR would be ready to deploy the 0/0 implementation.

PW said that at the end of Q3 or the start of Q4 was the common feedback.

JC suggested to aim to the end of Q3, September 30th.

AFRINIC, APNIC and RIPE NCC confirmed they can reach the deadline.

EM said he had to confirm this internally in LACNIC.


Action Item 170316-15 ND to convey to Elise Gerich to share information on special allocation to IETF in the joint coordinated mailing list.


Action Item 170316-16 GV to investigate an NRO EC wiki for document management with RIPE NCC


Action Item 170316-17 GV to include in the NRO EC April teleconference the topic of a NRO vice-chair role.


Action Item 170221-03 JC to draft a response to ICANN CEO regarding how to work together going forward as PTI customers. JC to share the draft in the NRO EC list for comments before submitting it to ICANN.


Action Item 170221-06. NRO EC. Based on Elise’s email regarding the IANA communications on special allocation to the IETF, the NRO EC to agree in a response to Elise Gerich.

ND said that the action is related to IANA not reallocating space to the IETF from the space given back from the RIR. ND reminded that the IANA reports include now this aspect.


Action Item 161027-07 CM (or ECG Chair) to collaborate with the RSCG in the establishment of a set of RPKI adoption matrix for the use of regular reporting.


Action Item 141018-04: AF and RIR Legal team based on the RIR Governance Matrix propose to the NRO EC those areas where could be consolidation or harmonization among the RIR.


10. Next Meetings

a) Teleconference Tuesday May 16

b) Teleconference Tuesday June 20

c) face-to-face meeting 27 October Dubai

JC suggested to keep all the dates as scheduled.

11 AOB

AB asked if the NRO EC would make a statement regarding Elise Gerich leaving IANA.

PW suggested to make a positive statement when the time arrives.

JC agreed that the NRO EC make an announcement thanking Elise when she leaves IANA.

12 Adjourn

JC thanked all participants and adjourned the meeting at 1:02 PM UTC

Last modified on 31/07/2018