NRO EC Meeting Minutes: April 2016

Minutes of the NRO EC Teleconference meeting held on Tuesday April 19th 2016 at 11:00 AM UTC

Executive Council:

Oscar Robles (OR) LACNIC Chair
John Curran (JC) ARIN Secretary
Paul Wilson (PW) APNIC Treasurer
Alan Barrett (AB) AFRINIC
Axel Pawlik (AP) RIPE NCC


Pablo Hinojosa (PH) APNIC
Carlos Martinez (CM) LACNIC
Kevon Swift (KS) LACNIC
Maria Gayo (MG) LACNIC
Alfredo Verderosa (AV) LACNIC
Paul Rendek (PR) RIPE NCC

German Valdez (GV) NRO

Agenda NRO EC Meeting Tuesday April 19th 2016

0 Welcome
1 Agenda Review
2 Minutes Review
3 IANA Stewardship Transition Update
a) SLA
b) ICANN Bylaws
c) IPR
d) CRISP Team
4 RIR Accountability Review Status
a) Publication of summaries
5 ICANN Board Election Update
6 Coordination NRO EC travels
7 Review Open Actions
8 CG input / consultation
a) CCG
b) ECG
e) NRO Secretary
9. Next Meetings
a) Teleconference scheduled on Tuesday May 17th
b) Next f2f Meeting
10. AOB
11. Adjourn

0 Welcome

OR welcomed all participants at 11:05 AM UTC

AP advised he had to leave the teleconference at 12:00 PM

1 Agenda Review

OR asked for any changes to the draft agenda

No changes were made.

2 Minutes Review

OR reminded that there were no comment yet to March minutes and February were still pending for circulation.

PW asked to have minutes shared in the EC list in a more promptly time.

GV acknowledged the request made by PW.

3 IANA Stewardship Transition Update

a) SLA

GV said that the announcement of the SLA version 5.1 was ready for release as soon as all the members of the NRO EC approve it.

OR asked what to do with annex A

PW reminded that Annex A included BPM diagrams with detailed description of the services provided by IANA.

OR suggested to ask Elise to provide the content for Annex A, if IANA doesn’t add any particular content we can remove the Annex A and any reference to it.

All agreed

New Action Item 160419-01. OR to contact Elise Gerich (IANA) to provide content for Annex A for the SLA.

b) ICANN Bylaws

JC reported that changes in ICANN Bylaws are going to be reviewed by the ICANN legal team and at the same time ICANN is planning to post for public comment the last draft. JC added that ICANN Board should approve the new bylaws by the end of May but the actual changes apparently are to become effective on October as some of the new provisions in the bylaws are only applicable post NTIA IANA function contract

PW asked if IANA is expecting to publish the last SLA version for public comments.

JC said that the agreement with IANA was to publish the SLA for transparency but not open to comments as this was already done. JC added that IANA is waiting for the NRO to publish the last version of the SLA.

AB suggested to post the SLA as soon as possible in the NRO website so ICANN can refer to the document in their own communications.

All agreed.

c) IPR

AB reported that the IPR group has a general agreement in a Term of Reference document. AB said that he sent the document to the RIR legal team for review. After all operational communities agree on the framework, the legal agreements mentioned in the framework should be drafted.

d) CRISP Team

OR suggested that once the definition of the SLA is done the work of the CRISP Team could also be considered completed.

AP and PW agreed.

PW suggested to have a joint announcement declaring the team closed.

All agreed

New Action Item 160419-02 OR to contact to CRISP Team chairs to coordinate a joint announcement declaring the CRISP Team closed.


OR reported that the Implementation Oversight Task Force (IOTF) is preparing the implementation of the bylaws changes, the structure of the PTI and its board and the role of the supporting organizations. OR mentioned that most of the relevant decisions have been already made as reported by email previously. OR said that the current discussions are focused in the details like the labor laws and compensations that will affect the PTI. OR added that the IOTF has scheduled teleconferences and he will report any relevant developments for the NRO.

4 RIR Accountability Review Status

a) Publication of summaries

OR reminded that in the meeting in New Zealand the NRO EC agreed in having the RIR summaries published.

AB reported that the AFRINIC Board is working in the public summary. AB considered they might have something for publication by early May.

PW said that APNIC EC would consider their public summary in the next meeting in May.

AP said that RIPE NCC has a short summary; he expected to send it to the NRO EC in the coming days.

JC reminded that ARIN already sent its summary to the NRO EC list.

OR said that LACNIC also sent its public summary to the list. OR mentioned that as consequence of the findings in the accountability review LACNIC Board is proposing changes to their bylaws during the next members meeting in Cuba. OR said that they might have to make public their piece of the summary to support the bylaws changes.

5 ICANN Board Election Update

GV reported that the ASO AC was currently voting for the changes in the ASO Procedures so these are aligned with ICANN Bylaws. GV reminded that such changes would forbid members of the ASO AC running for ICANN Board participate in the ASO election process. GV said that the proposal requires fourth fifth of the ASO AC members before the proposed changes could be sent to the NRO EC for ratification. GV advised that once the voting is closed he would contact the NRO EC for a expedite approval of the changes.

OR asked how this procedures changes were affecting the election timeline.

GV said that the timeline might be affected by two weeks, however GV clarified that the ASO has until ICANN June meeting to confirm its appointment.

6 Coordination NRO EC travels

JC reminded all about the discussion regarding coordination of accommodations for NRO-EC folks; we should try to stay in the same hotel to make meeting logistics easier. JC suggested that the RIR admin staff should coordinate to accommodate the NRO EC in a single hotel when there are plans of a face-to-face meeting.

AP and PW agreed.

PW said that the coordination should be based on best effort basis. PW advised that sharing intelligence in local accommodation was important to facilitate logistics for all the NRO EC. PW put the example of the Marrakesh ICANN meeting where all RIR staff were scattered in different hotels.

AB said that it’s been useful to stay in a single or nearby hotels even though there is no NRO EC planned face-to-face meeting.

All agreed to coordinate in best effort basis common accommodation for future NRO EC meetings.

At this point (12:00 PM UTC) AP left the meeting.

7 Review Open Actions

Action Item 141018-03: PACG to include Governing Board Structure, Budget and Activity Approval, Fee Approval and Bylaw/Operational Document Control information to the RIR Governance Matrix.

Action Item 141018-04: PACG based on the RIR Governance Matrix propose to the NRO EC those areas where could be consolidation or harmonization among the RIR.

KS reported that during the last PACG meeting they agreed to close the two actions items if the NRO EC agrees to.

PW considered that the remaining work in the RIR Governance Matrix is more related to the RIR legal team. PW said that the NRO EC could discuss later on formalizing the legal team.

JC agreed with PW. JC said that the PACG should remain as an information-sharing group but not at the level of the others coordination groups.

AB agreed with JC. AB said that due to the nature of the PACG they should not have assigned tasks.

OR asked about changing the owners of the two actions items.

PR said that at some point the legal team took the leadership in the work related to the RIR governance matrix. PR noted that he has a list of outstanding issues for each RIR; he said he would send it to the NRO EC list.

JC clarified that the action items remain relevant and suggested that someone from the NRO EC takes the lead in coordination with the RIR legal team.

OR asked PW to own the action items.

PW accepted to liaise with the legal team on getting the actions done.

PR agreed to send document with the pending items to PW.

New Action Item 160419-03 PR to send to the NRO EC the list of outstanding issues in the development of the RIR governance matrix

Actions to be reassigned to PW and RIR Legal team.

Action Item 160316-01 OR to ask Elise Gerich regarding the IANA communications to any technical coordination list about special allocations to the IETF that could be used by the RIR to inform their communities.

OR reminded that he sent the details of the conversation with Elise during the last IETF meeting in Buenos Aires to the NRO EC list. OR said at this point he was waiting from IANA reaction to the request.


Action Item 160316-02 JC draft a message to the IETF about future direct IPv4 special allocation from the RIRs to the IETF.

JC said he sent the draft message to the NRO EC list.


Action Item 160316-03 GV to communicate to the ASO AC the inconsistency between ICANN Bylaws and ASO Procedures regarding the participation in the election process of ASO AC members running for ICANN Board.

Action reported on Item 5 of the Agenda.


8 CG input / consultation

OR asked GV to coordinate with CG leaders if they have something to consult or report in advance of the meeting.

a) CCG

MG reported that the CCG are working in assessing the NRO website and preparing the next face-to-face meeting in Helsinki.

b) ECG

CM reported that the document drafted by the ECG informing to the IETF the proposal to move to the single model on RPKI TA based on the 0/0 model was presented to the sidr group in Buenos Aires. CM said they’d be addressing one of the comments received in Buenos Aires in the next version of the document.

CM asked also to the NRO EC their opinion on more collaborative work among the RIRs involved in regional transfer. CM considered that there are some conflicting signals and some coordination is required. CM advised that during the RIPE meeting there would be a meeting between the ECG and RSCG members involved in transfers.

PW thanked CM for delivering the message to the IETF


AV reported that the RSCG is preparing their face-to-face meeting in Cuba. AV agreed with CM that there is need for better coordination among the RIR involved in regional transfers. AV confirmed that CM would participate of the RSCG meeting in Cuba.


KS reported that during the last PACG conference the group reviewed the charter and agreed it was no longer relevant on what they are currently doing. KS agreed that the PACG should remain as information sharing group.

KS added that the PACG discussed on supporting the Internet Collaboration group to work in more transparent selection process for the CSTD and MAG elections.

e) NRO Secretary

Due to connectivity issues GV stated in the chat room he would send their report to the EC mailing list.

9. Next Meetings

a) Teleconference scheduled on Tuesday May 17th

OR suggested to have the next teleconference on May 17th just before RIPE Meeting.

b) Next f2f Meeting

OR asked if the NRO EC should plan a face-to-face meeting for RIPE or ICANN meeting

PW suggested reserving a time for the coming RIPE meeting.

OR asked GV to follow up with AP for a time slot for the NRO EC meeting in the coming RIPE Meeting.

10. AOB

a) Working Group for Enhanced Cooperation

OR reminded on the email on the possibility of hiring external support to follow-up the WGEC deliberations.

OR suggested to wait for a specific quotation before deliberate more in the proposal.

11. Adjourn

OR thanked all participants and adjourned the meeting at 12:30 UTC

Last modified on 31/07/2018