Regional Policy

The policies that govern how Internet number resources are distributed by the RIRs are developed by the RIR communities. The RIRs facilitate the policy development process. They do not propose, develop, reject or accept policy proposals.

RIR Policy Development Processes (PDP) are designed so anyone who is interested in Internet number resource policy can participate. Anyone can propose a policy or an amendment to a current policy and they do not have to be a member of any RIR. Once a policy proposal is submitted, anyone can submit comments, or provide support or objection to the proposal.

Each RIR community develops its own policy development process according to its regional needs but each PDP is open, inclusive, transparent and bottom-up.


Discussions on public mailings lists are an important part of the policy-making process. Each RIR maintains policy discussion mailing lists, which are open to all and are publicly archived. Policy discussions also take place during RIR meetings, which are open for everyone to participate in, both on-site or via remote participation online. Each RIR holds around two meetings a year.


Community consensus is required for a policy proposal to become an RIR policy or to amend an existing policy. Any arguments or objections raised in the discussion phase of the policy process must have been carefully considered or addressed before the proposal is adopted.

It is the task of the community-elected leadership (working group chairs, advisory council members) to determine if all arguments have been considered and if there is enough community support to declare consensus and accept or reject a policy proposal. In some RIR communities, the RIR governance board plays a role in validating that the community policy development process has been adhered to and consensus reached.

Accepted Policies

When a policy proposal has been accepted and, in some regions, ratified by the RIR Board, the RIR is bound to execute the policies that have been developed by its communities. This obligation is detailed in each RIRs’ governance documents.

Regional Overview

To provide a comprehensive overview of the policies, proposals and discussions in each of the five RIR communities, a Comparative RIR Policy Overview is published by the RIRs each quarter.

More details about each RIR’s PDP and the proposals currently under discussion can be found below:

RIR PDP Current Policies Proposals Mailing List RIR Meetings
AFRINIC Policy Development Working Group (PDWG) AFRINIC PDP Current Policies Policy Proposals AFRINIC Resource Policy Discussion Mailing List Upcoming AFRINIC Meetings
APNIC Policy Special Interest Group (SIG) APNIC PDP Current Policies Policy Proposals APNIC SIG Policy Mailing List Upcoming APNIC Meetings
ARIN ARIN PDP Current Policies Draft Policy Proposals ARIN Public Policy Mailing List  Upcoming ARIN Meetings
LACNIC LACNIC PDP Current Policies Policy Proposals LACNIC Politicas Mailing List Upcoming LACNIC Meetings
RIPE Address Policy Working Group (AP WG) RIPE PDP Current Policies Policy Proposals Address Policy Working Group Mailing List Upcoming RIPE Meetings 


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Last modified on 09/09/2021